.:Sam:. < thinks life is amaziiingg > profile picture

.:Sam:. &lt; thinks life is amaziiingg &gt;

About Me

HEYYYYY. I'm SAM =]&& I love my life, I wouldn't want to be anyone else besides me. I'm a simple girl, if your nice to me i'll be a sweet person back. I might seem shy at first but when you get to know me I can be crazy. Dancing is my passion I take ballet and Jazz. I go to Mhs and love ittt. I am deffintly a Christian girl, I love God with all my heart. Yes you can say I'm boy crazyy; all I'm really looking for is someone who can treat me right, and knows how to respect a lady. Is that so hard to ask for boyss? If you want to get to know me more AIM me at KiSSmeHARDbabyx3 or Simplyxinxl0vexx ♥ you guysss =>
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My Interests

^^ He wrote this for me "As you sit there with your pretty look of perfection and your eyes as big and amazing as anything i sit here and think to myself how is this possible is it possible for something this perfect looking something so beautiful to be real in my head i know it as a dream in my heart i know its there as u sit there with your pretty look of perfection" *Mike Campasano*BOYS♥DANCiNG♥SiNGiNG♥MY FRiENDS♥MY FAMiLY♥G0D♥LAUGHiNG♥H0LLiSTER♥AM ERiCAN EAGLE♥ABERCR0MBiE && FiTCH♥SH0ES♥LATE NiGHT PH0NE C0NVERSATI0NS♥GiRLS NiGHT 0UTS♥HUGS♥KiSSES♥HiGH SCH00L SH0PPiNG♥THE MALL♥M0ViES♥SLEEPiNG iN LATE♥ iCE CREAM♥THE WEEKENDS♥MUSiC♥MY SiSTER♥FLiP FL0PS♥TRUTH 0R DARE♥F00TBALL GAMES♥MEETiNG NEW PE0PLE♥TANNiNG♥SUNSHiNE♥SUMMER♥W iNTER♥LiPGL0SS♥MAKiNG PE0PLE HAPPY♥♥♥IM SUCH A GiRLY GiRL!?

S h e S p a r k l e s

& S h i n e s &#169;

I'd like to meet:

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J e s u s L o v e s Y o uMusic Video: BEATING HEART BABY (by Head Automatica)

Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone


AbOuT Me
1.)What is your full name? Samantha Danielle Spayer
2.) Nicknames? Sam, Sammy
3.) B-day: april 21st
4.) Sex: female
5.) Siblings and their ages: Brittany, 16
10.) Zodiac sign: Taurus
11.) Righty or lefty? rightty
My LoOkS & oThEr ThiNgs
12.) Hair color: Brown w/ blond highlights
13.) Eye color: Hazel
14.) Height: like 5'2 pshh
15.) Do you wear contacts or glasses? no
25.) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my mom lol
27.) Who are you talking to ..? nobody right now i'm taking this surveyyyy
MoRe AbOuT mE
30.)If you were a crayon what color would you be? tickle me pink
34.)What makes you happy? dancing
39.)Do you like to dance? yesss!
41.)What is the stupidest thing you've ever done? haha a lot
42.)What is your favorite memory? not suree
45.)What do you want to name your boys ? i like the names zach, landon, and jake
46.)What do you want to name your girls? i like the names Brianna, Tori, and Aubrey
51.)What are you most scared of? CLOWNS and death
55.)Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? nopee
57.)Who do you tell your dreams to? i don't tell them..lol
59.)Who is the quietest friend you have? john?
Me & Love
62.)Do you believe in love? yess haven't found it yet though =(
63.)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
64.)Do you like someone? i guess you can say that =)
70.)What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair,eyes,smile
About Guys For Girls to Fill out
72.)Boxers or briefs? boxers anyday
73.)Curly or straight hair? both skaters are hott =p
74.)Tall or short? taller then me
75.)Six pack or muscular arms? six packk baby ..biceps are hott to though =)
77.)Hat or no hat? hat
78.)Ears pierced or not? not
79.)Dimples or not? doesn't matter
81.)Neatly shaven? yess
82.)Rugged or sporty? sporty?
83.)Studly or cutie? studly =)
84.)Accent? no
85.) Smart or dumb? smart obviously
86.)What sport should he play? football i guess..skateboardings the hottest
PiCk OnE-- tHiS oNe Or ThAt?
107.)Light on or off? off
109.)Scary movies or happy movies? happy
111.)On the phone or in person? person
114.)Hugs or kisses? kisses
116.)Something on tape or dvd? dvd
119.) Vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
122.) or pie?
123.)Diamonds or pearls? diamonds all the wayy
124.)Sunset or sunrise? sunset
HaVe YoU eVeR. . .
141.)Loved someone so much it makes you cry? yess unfortunetly =(
142.)Drank? nope
143.)Broken the law? nope
144)Ran from the cops? nope
147.)Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yess
146.)Been in love? I think i have?

