Skating, cars, BMX, skating and skating!
Rock, Alternative, Punk, and as long as i dont have to dance it im good.
Mike V, the greatest skater of all times if u ask me. That dude is fucking crazy. All the other skaters focus on doin their tricks on the board but not this guy. This guy goes outside the box and puts everything into his shit. Just look at some of the tricks he made famous: boneless, no comply, imposible, ollie fingerflip... yeah ...this guy doesnt only use his feet but also his hands and whatever is around him. So if u ask me this guy is the top notch BEST!Also, Rodney Mullen. The Godfather of modern street skateboarding. This guy is a nut case just as well. He will do handstands pon his board while riding, then flip the board with his hand, and then land on like it was nothing. One of the most interesting tricks that he can do is the kickflip-underflip. He does a kickflip in mid air, and once the board fliped all the way he flps it again from the underside of the board. One of the funnest tricks that I know how to do came from him as well. The casper. His version of the casper involves various flips and caspers, while mine is just a casper 360 and I added an underflip at the end to make it funner.