i WAS dropped on my head when I was a baby!philtography.blogspot.com
Background from Google search result
Light tight boxes, wood polyurethane and metal, traveling, art, my new one is fishing
Carl Zeiss New SJ park!!
Poor Jenny, Elephant House, E C , NoNameUno, Left Over Wine
Willow, JIM's RAMP JAM
Old School Ninja Turtles cartoons were the shit! SHARK WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ninja Warrior, Planet Earth in HD, How its made,
Magnum, Hamburger Eyes, Shutterbabe, Hells angels, Fear and Loathing, Clockwork Orange, Electric Koolaid Acid Test, MoneyBall, Starting your Career as a Freelance Photographer haha
Cardiel, Jon Humphries, Manuel Alverez Bravo, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Susan Meiselas, Weegee,Diane Arbus, Alfred Stieglitz, Joseph Sudek, James Natchwey