Hi guys, this Danny(no, my name isn't "Divinity" :P). Everyone always puts the superficial and probably over-exaggerated, if not completely fictional, characteristics that they believe will be a hook-line-sinker for those "special someones" hopefully sitting on the other end of the computer screen. I'm not here to meet my true-soul-love-mate. The internet can be used to hide too many secrets. Lies created by the touch of a key. I'm interested in unique people. Everybody has stories, lives and their own spin on life. Sound weird? Get used to it. Here the real ME: Stubborn, goofy-stupid, Can't drive without speeding but yet real lazy, independent, occasionally bitchy (okay a lotta bitchy), and spontaneous in an unreliable way. Well, that about sums up the real me. The true aspects of me that most would only hide. So call or fold... I ain't bluffin and bettin it all. Corny huh? Welcome to Divinity18 :)
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