Gaming, Music, Video Editing, EVE-ONLINE?!?, History, Star Wars :D, reading, hanging out with my awesome friends/family, golf, football, bowling, LEARNING HOW TO SWIM w000t, jogging, painting homo pictures, keeping up with the latest pr0n stars across the internet :D** and finally spending time with my totally awesome, amazing, beautiful gf
Everybody :D img src=" jpg" rawful. img src=" g" U-C-LLLL-A, UCLA! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
Basically listen to everything, a few favorites: Thrice, STP, The Killers, Hayden, Death Cab for Cutie, Dj Mystic :p, Saosin (zen ^^;;), Dashboard Confessional, Depeche Mode!!!!, New Order, GD, The Cure, anything 80's ..o/!
Schindler's List, The green mile, The rock, Equalibrium, Batman I-II, Rocky II- IV, All the Star Treks, all the Star Wars, Boiler Room, Hackers, All Indiana Jones, Akira, Saving Private Ryan, Forest Gump, Harold and Kumar GTWC, more as i remember.
Star Trek: TNG (Patrick Stewart 4tw), Battlestar Galactica, American Chopper, Birdman, Sealab, Full Metal Alchemist,FLCL...(basically cartoon network^^;;). Nip Tuck, History Channel, IRON CHEF!!!!!!!!, Extreme Elimination ..o/
Han Solo Trilogy, Utopia, Reefer Madness, Fastfood Nation, Art if war (parts of it...), All quiet on the Western Front, Catcher in the Rye, more as i remember. , The hotzone (kevin sites, journalism)
Dad & Mom, people really don't appreciate them until its too late. No matter how much i fuck up, i know that they are there for me and will be as long as they can.Joy, a ton of reasons but I'm just going to say I love ya and I'm here with you all the way.Peter North - Only a true athlete can project such powerful/awesome facials with such fineness.