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About Me

I've been hanging out at where I met my boyfriend. It's actually cool because the site is like Myspace....but with a point! I put some questions here on my page from there. Anyway, I love that site and I get a rush any time I post a question and people answer with their opinions and so I'm spending more time there. Check me out yo!
Are You Going To Heaven When You Die?
Yes, I am a good person
Yes, I go to church, synagogue, mosque, temple, etc.
Yes, I give money to charity
Yes, because we are all the children of God
Yes, because I am trusting in Jesus Christ
No, because I am too great of a sinner
No, I am going to Summerland
No, I am coming back in another life
I don`t believe that either Heaven of Hell exists
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Create Your Question - Worldsentiment
What is the most annoying trait that a co-worker has had at work?
Talks endlessly about dumb, useless crap
Always sharing about their sex lives without anyone asking
Leaving work for others to do
Takes praise for someone else
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My Interests


This is the best Marley song I think. Love It! Like It It Could Grow On Me Not My Prefered Style I don`t like it Create Your Question -

My Blog

No I'm not a drug dealer

This blog kind of explain what I learned about real estate.  I never really understnadd how people made so much money on real estate.  It seemed that they would buy a property for $1...
Posted by Samantha on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:14:00 PST

Did you check out my booty?

I got a note that someone using a program called Myspace Booty Crawler found me and ranked me "Hot Booty"! Woo Hoo I'm famous! I went to check out Myspace Booty Crawler for myself. I downloaded the ap...
Posted by Samantha on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 03:50:00 PST