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Worlds Heaviest Smoker

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.. This is a song I started writing in 2006, it is a demonstration of the best of my current abilities, I am approaching my final draft. It is called "Chaconne in D Major by Daniel Date" layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

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Tobacco: The Definitive Link in Healthy Aging By Daniel John Richard Date “I have great respect for the heroic efforts of doctors and psychiatrists who prescribe pharmaceutical grade methamphetamine to autistic children and the obese. Autism, now reported to afflict one out of hundred and fifty. Obesity: clearly rising.” -Daniel Date Introduction: It is a fact, all of the world's oldest living people are classified as chain-smokers [1]. A few of them drink daily [1][2][3], one of them even smokes marijuana daily[3]. Some of them claimed that smoking was the key to their long healthy lives; intelligent people will accredit these claims by natural credential alone; as wise youth’s respect the teachings of elders. My research on the matter may produce some insight as to why this is all plausible. Sources of Vitamin: Nicotine, Cannibinoid, Opiate The brain contains receptors designed to receive nicotine, cannibinoid, and opiate. Thus, we can be assured that they are necessary components of a balanced diet and are of nutritional value. Nicotine in Tobacco is analogous to Vitamin B3 (Niacin) [4]. The discovery of Vitamin B3 was through tobacco research, and nicotine is also present in wholesome foods. Nicotine was given three different distinctive names by scientists (nicotine, nicotinic acid, and niacin), because of its association with tobacco. By the heroic efforts of doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and government; people would not be confused into thinking that wholesome foods contained a deadly poison, or that tobacco provided the same nutrients as wholesome food; the latter of which is true. The Health benefits of nicotine are parallel to the health benefits of Vitamin B3; increased metabolism, suppressed Appetite, regulated nervous system, detoxification of blood capillaries. Nicotine is found in Eggplants and Tomatoes, Tobacco, Whole grains, leaves and meat. Consumption of nicotine (niacin) by smoking inhalation of Tobacco is profoundly associated with extreme longevity. [1] To meet the U.S. RDA for niacin (‘nicotinic acid’ 15-20mg/day) requires that a person consume a serving of chicken, a serving of turkey, a serving of spinach, and a bowl of fortified cereal each day. By the knowledge of what nicotine actually is, one could attain this requirement by smoking 2 packs of cigarettes. Tobacco consumption historically coincides with the consumption of chocolate, also a definitive link in healthy aging; we see that Anandamide cannibinoids in chocolate binds with the same receptors as THC (marijuana), the consumption of large quantities of Chocolate is known to produce “Marijuana like high"[5] and that the consumption of cannibinoids is associated with extreme longevity. [3][6] The world’s oldest documented persons Jeanne Calment (1875-1997) and Sarah Knauss (1880-1999), were passionately fond of chocolate. Jeanne Calment habitually ate two pounds of chocolate per week until her physician induced her to give up sweets at the age of 119 - three years before her death aged 122. [6] Opiates are found in wholesome foods we eat; Milk, wheat, barley and poppy seeds, all contain significant amounts of opiate proteins that stimulate the exact same opiate binding receptors in the brain as heroin [7] It would seem that because the brain is designed with receptors to receive nicotine, cannabinoid, and opiate; and their sources being inherently attractive sources of food; Marijuana, Chocolate, Tobacco, Bread, Meat, and Dairy; that the world’s oldest living people would regularly consume them; any intelligent and educated person could capably realize that this meant “higher” nutrition.The Value of Nicotine, Cannibinoid, and Opiate Vitamins in History and Religion: Tobacco Man was never meant to run out of Tobacco and experience withdrawal symptoms, it is the fastest producing crop in the world; yielding 1 million seeds per plant. [8] Praised by Native American tribes for its peaceful qualities. They believed that smoking allowed for them to communicate with the “Great Spirit” (North American-monotheistic deity) and the “Heart of Sky” (South American-monotheistic deity). This coincides with the beliefs from the Old Testament of the bible, which states that making “Burnt Offerings” allowed for one to atone for their sin, become united with the Holy Spirit, by covering the stench of sin (possibly body odor, flatulence, other symptoms of gluttony). The Central American Mazatec Shamans practice Catholicism today, they drink Fermented Tobacco Juice and smoke the leaves of psycho-active jungle herbs (Salvia); they believe that this is the way of Jesus Christ. It is quoted in the accounts of the first discoverers of the Mayan Civilization; Cortez and his men, “We were first afraid of smoking tobacco, but then realized that this was good. It cures various ailments such as chronic coughing.” This being our first historical impression of man’s encounter with tobacco smoking, we must know that the symptom they experienced was that of seeming poison at first, but nectar in the end; The intelligent will know these symptoms to be goodness in all circumstances. Cannabis Marijuana is industrially the most useful plant ever cultivated by man; it is praised in the bible for its psychoactive properties [9]. It is scholarly understood that the word Cannabis has its earliest root in the Semitic Language of Hebrew. The ancient Hebrew word for Cannabis is Kaneh–Besem. In the bible, the word was mistranslated to Calamus; though many English bibles noted this error and decided to use “Fragrant Cane” instead, the rough translation of Kaneh-Bes. Any intelligent person could realize that “Kaneh-Bes” is the origin of the word “Cannabis”. The second page of the bible states, “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food” (Gen 1:29). To the good believers of the bible, this means [all] herbs yielding seed across the face of the earth; including marijuana and tobacco, are wholesome and of nutritional value. The following verses go on to state that these things are “Very Good” as well. Most believers in the bible believe that Cannabis is bad, because it is illegal. They do not understand that only man has made it illegal, with the intent of inducing malnutrition among the populace. This has succeeded, with the rates of obesity; pharmaceutical companies are now extracting THC from cannabis to use as a weight-loss drug [10]. Chocolate Chocolate is an opiate, cannibinoid, amphetamine, and source of vitamin B3 all mixed together, it was held of the highest economic and religious value by the Indigenous South Americans. [11] Chocolate contains tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid. It is the rate-limiting step in the production of the mood-modulating neurotransmitter serotonin. Enhanced serotonin function typically diminishes anxiety. Tryptophan is also broken down by the body into nicotine (niacin). Consumption of chocolate triggers the release of endorphins, the body's endogenous opiates. Enhanced endorphin-release reduces the chocolate-eater's sensitivity to pain. Chocolate contains a group of neuroactive alkaloids known as tetrahydro-beta-carbolines. Tetrahydro-beta-carbolines are also found in beer, wine and liquor. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, structurally identical to amphetamine, well indicating why this food staple is highly addictive.Bread Bread is spoken of highest value in the Holy Bible. Exodus 16:12, “I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel: speak unto them, saying, at even ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread; and ye shall know that I am the LORD your God.” By direct implication, only under the influence of opiates and b-vitamins found in bread, could man even begin to understand the existence of the divine nature. It is also said in the bible, that both Jesus and Moses anointed themselves with holy oil (marijuana containing) and spent 40 days in the desert without eating bread; yet came back gleaming because they had been with Yahweh. This made them especially holy because the people back then could not fathom living without bread, meaning that if a person has no bread, he can supplement his nutrition with cannabis to remain in a consciousness that is holy.Milk Milk, which contains powerful bovine opiate (casomorphine), meant to sedate baby cows; is highly praised by the Holy Quran. “Be grateful to the Bounties of Allah, to eat its meat and drink its milk, pure milk, palatable to drinkers." (16:66) The Prophet Mohammad is reported in the Hadith Collection of his records to have encouraged a man to drink more milk than he normally would. The Prophet Mohammad is also said to have never left his house without “Kefir”. Kefir is a lactose based bacterial culture that cannot factually survive without human care. Kefir also proves beyond reasonable doubt the theory of “Creationism”. Not only is this organism unable reproduce itself without human care, but historic man did not have the capabilities of creating living organisms that would be solely dependent upon himself for survival. Kefir contains the most important lacto-bacteria’s for the human immune-system, and was required by law to be consumed daily by Chernobyl survivors [citation needed]. It is not found naturally occurring in nature, and only capable of reproducing itself if placed in buckets of milk. The Recorded History of Kefir states that “God rained it down to man from the sky as a gift”, which also serves as the only rational explanation for its existence. Mohammad was reported to have healthily lived for 96 years, and was able to fight war through his elderly age. Alcohol Wine is spoken of frequently in the holy bible and especially recommended, "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities. " (Timothy 5:23) Jesus turned the water into wine, possibly because water was simply not as wholesome. Wine is typically forbidden to Muslim’s, out of ignorance of their own religion, as similarly experienced by Christians with Cannabis. It is stated in the Quran, “A similitude of the Garden which those who keep their duty (to Allah) are promised: Therein are rivers of water unpolluted ... and rivers of wine, delicious to the drinkers.” -- Sura 47:15 “Surely the pious will be in bliss ... their thirst will be slaked with pure wine sealed.” -- Sura 83:22,25 How would Muslim’s ever know the taste of wine, and what to expect in the afterlife, if it is forbidden to them in the first place? I am sure there would be no suicide bombings if they took drinks and relaxed like the Islamic people of Turkey. Health Benefits of Tobacco according to the Scientific Method: Tobacco tar is known to protect against the damaging effects of Asbestos [12], cure Asthma and prevent Breast Cancer [13]. Nicotine has been shown to stop Tuberculosis in its tracks. [14] Carbon Monoxide may prevent Heart attacks and Stroke. [15] Parkinson’s Disease is associated with non-smoking [16] Alzheimer’s disease is associated with non-smoking. [17] Less than 3% of smokers die of lung cancer, even if they smoked chemical ridden generic cigarettes. [18] According to the Journal of Theoretic, Smoking simply does not cause Lung Cancer. [19a] Researchers attempted to induce lung-cancer in thousands of mice through exposure to chronic levels of tobacco smoke (equivalent to 200 cigarettes a day in some cases) every study failed. One study even proved that chronic exposure to tobacco smoke protected mice from cancer induced by nuclear radiation. [19b][c] Tobacco Related “Premature death” by the Scientific Method: A person is logged as a premature smoking death no matter what age he dies, including the worlds oldest living people [20]. Anti-tobacco research is paid for and governed by the Pharmaceutical industry. [21] The Pharmaceutical industry distributes methamphetamines to children [22], including Desoxyn (Methamphetamine Hydrochloride)[23] Their credibility and integrity is certainly dubious. They happen to be the sole supplier and profiteer of nicotine patches.Facts and Evidences: Marijuana smoking is not linked to lung cancer, even though it contains more chemicals “known to cause Lung Cancer”. [24] The Pharmaceutical industry has submitted an ample amount of scientific evidence to convince people of smoking related epidemic, some studies have even shown the complete opposite of the scientific evidence I have chosen to use in my research. It is certain that all of the studies conducted by the pharmaceutical industry are biased to produce anti-smoking propaganda (i.e. using obese smokers as test subjects)(or…citing that nicotine dependent fast-food eaters died from their smoking and not from their fast food consumption [20][25] . No conclusive truth can be established from Scientific Study, but people will believe what they are told on Television to be fact anyway. This essay is designed to educate the brain-washed masses; from the lowliest peasants to the highest educated caste; with facts. For this purpose, I specifically chose the scientific evidence that supported the fact; world’s oldest living people are chain smokers and claimed that smoking was the key to their long life. [1] Those who disagree will choose the scientific evidence that supports the theory "Smoking causes premature death"[20] Scientific evidence is produced of money, and fact is produced of history. Many people have been confused in deciphering the difference between scientific evidence and fact. Under the Iron-Curtain of Corporatism, the facts will not even be known by most people, excluding myself and the readers of this essay. The fact states that the world’s oldest living people were smokers and suffered no ailment from it [1]. Those who rely on Science Fiction (err...evidence) in an attempt to fraudulate the fact say, "Smoking causes premature death".[20] I know that my logic must be superior to that of a "normal" non-smoking human being, and I declare that “Fact disproves fiction”. The wisest words to have been spoken throughout the recorded history of man. A short segment about Alcohol: Some of the world’s oldest living people were considered "moderate drinkers". Moderate drinking is defined as 1-3 glasses of alcohol a day. The Queen Elizabeth lived 100 years drinking gin cocktails and smoking cigarettes daily. As did George Burns with his 20 cigar a day habit beginning at the age of 12, he is rumored to have also enjoyed ten martinis on a daily basis.Vitamins in Beer? "Unfiltered" Beer is chalk full of B-vitamins, it is known as "liquid bread".[26] Moderate drinking is known to provide over 50 different health benefits[27].Is all alcohol created equal? No, one must learn to correctly discern that which is good and bad, most alcohol on the market is cheap crap, filtered beer is crap, preservatives and chemical flavorings are crap and often added to alcoholic beverages. For a good drink, buy quality Gin that has been distilled at least 3 times. i.e. "Bombay Sapphire", mix it with all natural tonic water and squeeze some grapefruit juice into it. Or try drinking unfiltered beer. Recommendations: I encourage people to smoke all natural tobacco, Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted whole grain bread is the only bread recommended in the bible next to unleavened “manna bread”. Chocolate should be eaten in the form of barley/corn malted baker’s chocolate or raw cacao. Kefir can be mixed into a smoothie with bananas, chocolate, coconut shreds, and cinnamon. A person will find that a piece of bread with honey, butter, cinnamon and cacao is identical to a doughnut. I cannot stress the importance of eating fresh vegetables of course. A 115 year old man from Spain, Mr. Mercado Del Toro, claimed that he always ate fresh food, he was also a smoker. I recommend making sandwiches with the Ezekiel 4:9; one can be formed of avocado, cream cheese, sprouts, spinach, onion, cucumber, and tomato. Certain vegetables I understand to be difficult to digest raw, these include kale, cauliflower, and broccoli. Summary: Read my sources, light up, have a drink, and encourage your children to smoke. One should note, that creationism is shown beyond reasonable doubt by paintings from the 15th and 18th centuries [29]“Jesus basically walked around bad-mouthing ‘Pharisees and Saccubacees’, people back then didn't smoke tobacco yet, so they were living the symptoms of non-smoking; irritability and hunger. The symptoms of non-smoking made them practically barbaric; The Jews killed Jesus for exercising his fourth amendment.” Daniel John Richard DateReferences: 1: The Evidence - World's Oldest - All Smokers 2:Biography of Madame Jeanne Calment 3. 120 Year-old Woman Claims smoking pot/tobacco and drinking every day is her secret to long life. 4. Encyclopedia entry for Vitamin B3 (Niacin) s/nia_0184.shtml html 5. Neuroscience for Kids: Coco 6: Psychoactive food: 7a.Encyclopedia entry: Gluten-free Casein-free diet.,_casein-free_diet b. Information about gluten and casein consumption c. Opiates in milk linked to mammalian digestive health 8. Encyclopedia entry: Tobacco 9. Cannabis Linked to Biblical Healing 10. Cannabis Obesity Drug Trials to Start – Yahoo News UK trials-start.html 11. History of Chocolate 12. Smoking has a protective effect on immunological abnormalities in asbestos workers. 0429. Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy (Poland). Lange, A. "Effect of Smoking on Immunological Abnormalities in Asbestos Workers. ---- Relative risk of lung cancer for asbestos workers was "highest for those who had never smoked, lowest for current smokers, and intermediate for ex-smokers. The trend was statistically significant. There was no significant association between smoking and deaths from mesothelioma," [emphasis added]. 0565. University of London, School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. "Cancer of the Lung Among Asbestos Factory Workers." [Many other studies show similar findings for asbestos workers]. 13. Smokers Paradoxes, the Health Benefits of Smoking efits_of_smoking 14. Shocker: Villain ‘Nicotine’ slays TB 15. The Carbon Monoxide Paradox 16. Parkinson’s Disease is associated with non-smoking. 17. Alzheimer’s Disease is associated with non-smoking. 18. An Early Warning for Lung Cancer- Less than 3% of smokers die of Lung Cancer. 19a. Smoking Does Not cause Lung Cancer; helps to prevent it 4.html b. c. "Inhalation Bioassay of Cigarette Smoke in Rats" A. P. Wehrner, et al. (Battele Pacific Northwest Labs, Richland WA) Journal of Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology, Vol. 61: pp 1-17 (1981)The results show that the highest number of tumors occurred in the untreated control [non-smoking] rats. The next highest number of tumors occurred in rats subject to sham smoking, i.e. rats which were placed in the smoking machine without smoke exposure, and the lowest number of tumors occurred in the smoke-exposed rats. Among the latter, the largest number of tumors occurred in rats exposed to smoke from cigarettes having the lowest level of nicotine. 20. Tobacco Will kill 1 billion this century,2933,202810,00.html?sPage=fnc .health/cancer 21. State and Institutions: At the service of the Pharmaceutical Industry 22. Psychiatric Drug Facts. 23. Encyclopedia entry for Desoxyn (Methamphetamine Hydrochloride) 24. Pot Smoking not linked to Lung Cancer 25. The association between degree of nicotine dependence and other health behaviors 50 26. Vitamin B Sources, Wikipedia s 27. Alcohol and Health Additional Sources 28. Primary Smoking and Lung Cancer A view of The Madonna with Saint Giovannino"(15th C.) by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494) A Closer view of The Madonna with Saint Giovannino"(15th C.) by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494) jpgc. "The Baptism of Christ"(18th C.) by Aert De Gelder