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July 2nd to July 28th 2008
Opening Thursday July 3rd 5hPM to 11hPM
111 Roy E.
USINE 106U is exploding with joy to invite you the opening of the gigantic exhibition APOTHEOSE presenting the artworks of 27 visual artists: Mark Prent, Eric Braün, La puce à l'agonie, Mimi Traillette, Yves Milet-Desfougères, Daniel Erban , Ashley West, Ron Simon, Sweet Grognasse, Sam Kerson, Florent Veilleux, Scott Ferry, Majka Kwiatowska, Rupert Bottenberg, Jean-François Montagne, Frederic Chabot, Cedric Taillon, Scott Draper, Philippe Girard, Steve Godin, Jasmin Guimont-Fortin, Nicolas Plamondon, Diane Labarre, Olivier Lefebvre, Papparazit, Cecile Gilovannini and Flo. Hallucinogenic paintings, pop-trash silkscreens, kinetic sculptures, etchings, original drawings, modified plush toys, surrealist jewelry other fascinating curiosities will massively take over the space. The exhibition takes place at USINE 106U, 111 Roy E. from July 2nd to July 28th 2008, and the opening will be held on Thursday July 3rd from 5hPM to 11hPM. Opening hours are Saturday to Wednesday noon to 6hPM, Thursday & Friday from noon to 9hPM.
Mark Prent: The most controversial canadian sculptor of his generation, known worldwide for his hyper-realist nightmarish sculptures. He portrays with body molding techniques his inner visions, without altering the dramatic or emotional charge of the subject.
Eric Braün: Multidisciplinary artist (painting, sculpture, comics, etching), publisher of the anthology 106U and founder of USINE 106U. His graphic universe explores different materials with humor and lucidity.
La puce à l'agonie: Designer, painter and conceptor, her work in visual arts focuses on recomposing fragments linked to childhood and by mass-producing little pink cats.
Mimi Traillette: Cartoonist-photograph and designer, she creates colorful and entertaining pieces with influences coming from rock & roll , comics and aquatic depths..
Yves Milet-Desfougères: Well-known french etching artist and painter, he explores symbolical themes with his ethereal landscapes haunted by hallucinatory visions. Member of the surrealists in the 60', he built his monumental carreer and is known of a handful of European collectors.
Daniel Erban: Brut artist to the core and mathematician, his oversize ink drawings on red paper are complex and decadent, translating by a transgressive gestual a dark and shocking universe, not without a certain humor.
Sweet Grognasse: A colorful visual artist, she works in graphic design and creates paintings, silkscreen and textiles in the tradition of pop-art.
Florent Veilleux: Kinetic sculptor and pataphysician, his monumental installations in motion have brought him international acclaim. The justness of his commentary as well as the absurdities of reality are depicted with a lot of humor.
Majka Kwiatowska : Polish expressionnist artist, her paintings and drawings depict the harsh reality and past of a graphic conscience who grew up in post-war Poland, contributing to the Solidarnosc movement. Her twisted characters, alcoholic and dark are sublimely rendered by a graphism that is simultaneously brut and sensible.
Ron Simon: Photographer and numeric artist, his works present a rich contraste between textured organic papers and his sensual semi-funerary numeric momifications.
Rupert Bottenberg: Painter and illustrator out of the Montreal comics scene, his dreamy colorful world juxtaposes collages and drawings with essential and very refined aesthetics.
Sam Kerson: A nomadic and visionary artist with strong social and political inclinations, his pastels, linocuts and acrylics are filled with symbolic expression and vibrant colors translate the movement, heart of his work.
Frederic Chabot : Painter and graffiti artist from Montreal, his work feature realistic portrait with a mix of tribal and urban graphic influences.
Jean-François Montagne: Painter and designer, his artwork and plush toys have a minimalistic sharp-colored edge populated by an improbable fauna.
Cedric Taillon : Painter, illustrator and drawing artist, his artwork, charged with delerious humort, renders a mastering of the drawing technique through bold compositions.
Jasmin Guimont-Fortin : Young painter and drawing artist, his graphic universe oscillates between trash and onirism. The technique, both brute and sensible, depicts subjects of a sometime disquieting nature.
Papparazit : Young swiss cartoonist and illustrator, his artwork combines sharp rendering techniques with grotesque cartoony subjects.
Steve Godin: A true visionary visual artist , he also works in cinema. His drawings and paintings of a classical quality explore ancient pagan rituals through a surrealist organic spirituality.
Scott Draper : Young North Bay artist with extraordinary technique and vision, he studied art in a north Ontario art school. He questions and expresses the belief that people live alone, in different universes and through mysterious ways they discover dark spaces of gothic contemporary proportions.
Ashley West: Visual artist, her papier maâché paintings and sculptures express a dream-like nightmarish universe inspired by visions from childhood. Her sobre palette add a refinement to her stylised aesthetics.
Scott Ferry: Painter, drawing and mixed media artist born and raised in Los Angeles, growing up in the punk, gothic and chaos orientated 80's. He has exhibited in solo and group shows in California, Arizona, Washington, and Quebec. He works in the medium of drawing, painting and mixed media. His artwork traverses a personal mythic world wrapped in metaphors, beautiful and painfully violent experiences, the sadistic, the masochistic and funny innuendos.
Flo : French silkscreen and drawing artist, his compositions juxtapose techno-anatomical patterns in a retro and futuristic aesthetic.
Nicolas Plamondon: Young illustrator and cartoonist, he masters in macabre humor with a remarquable finesse. His imagery invocates death and childhood.
Cecile Gilovannini : Young swiss illustrator, her work is characteristised by a dark and childish universe filled with expressionist distorted cats.
Olivier Lefebvre : Accomplished painter and sculptor, his artwork carries through a complex and stylised composition, animalistic and symbolist representations, relying on an well-mastered technique.
Diane Labarre : Painter and drawing artist, her half-abstract compositions in ink and acrylics depicts expressive bodies in a timeless universe.
Philippe Girard : Painter and drawing artist, his complex artwork in pencil and acrylics explores organic anotomical themes through oniric and symbolist compositions.
Contact: Eric Braün (514)728-9349
[email protected]

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Links (click on the image)
Eric Braun
La puce à l'agonie
Mimi Traillette
Jean-Michel Cholette

I'd like to meet:

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