fireworks, chirstmas lights, and hockey oh and ridding my bike every where I can. I love people we aren’t negative. I love people who have blind faith in things….it doesn’t matter what it is. I am a vegan….cause I looooove animals. that and the fact of digesting animal fats grosses me out!
the people I fucking LOVE!
these sluts fo sho
my hetero-sexual lover
my awesome former neigbors....insert sad face
my brother and his kickass girl
Fellow vegans, belly dancers, and yoga enthusiasts. In general: Non-judgmental, genuine, people. Those who live for the beauty of life in every facet.
more than likely everything you love. or at least something that’s been listed in this category for many of other users. I am not unique...nor trendy. its just the way it tends to work out.
I am a big fan of horror movies! I love movies that point out the idiosyncrasies that is the human existance. i love to laugh. forgein films are super good too. and any movie with dan aykroyd, cause I love that guy like woah! I was forced to sit down and pick my top goes like this. 1) Virgin Suicides 2) Pulp Fiction 3) Beetlejuice 4) the Godfather Part II 5) The Princess Bride.
kill your t.v. I really try not to watch it as much as humanly possible.
currently, valley of the dolls. always, catcher in the rye, the bell jar, choke, and feminine mystique. I read a lot...but not everything makes this list.
my dad.
and of course....Brian "fuckin" Parra
but not in any particular order