[Tendres Baisers]♥ profile picture

[Tendres Baisers]♥

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hea

About Me

I talk like a white girl but cuss you out like a black one.I dont care about drama not one bit and Im extremely sarcastic just part of my humor. I love takin pictures and love music. I've become so dependent on it, I listen to everything besides hard rock. Seriously, Im a sweetheart and if I really like you I will go out my way to help ya out seriously. Im so with someone now and love him, so When introducing yourself to me I dont want words: "mami, sexy,baby or aye girl come here lemme get cha number" comin out cha mouth, I will shut you down in approximatley 1.02 seconds. If you sterotype me, label me, and tell me what I should not be doing/wearing/saying/or liking, I WILL get irritated and envision myself stabbing you...repeatedly. haha,not joking. 1)Im not violent and i dont like to fight (verbally or physically.2)I rather hang out with people older then me.3)If I want it bad enough I will eventually get it.4)Im gunna travel the world.5)Im more self concious then you could even imagin.6)Im so satisfied with my life and mentallty i'm on a whole nother level then you. When i'm in my comfort zone,Im crazy. I like to dance in the process of doing it. I've been described as: funny,crazy,slow,mature,different,sweet,easy to talk to, understanding,cute,short,loud,modest,original-and blah blah blah =). I have never felt so comfortable with who I am. Unfortuatly, I dont have the mental capacity to give a damn about what they think anymore.Now thats out the way hi my name is Nikela but people call me Kiwi, I have a baby girl by the name od Madison who is my life I love that lil girl to death. As u might no im a full time DIVA and anything u want to know just ask. Im not with that bull so if u stsrt to come at me wrong or get slick with the lip it will be a done deal.............If you could see inside my heart, you'd see you own the largest part. If you could see inside my mind, thoughts of you is all you'd find.If you could see my very soul, you'd see it's you that makes me whole. There's just one thing I want to see, your words "I love you", just for me.
Your Values Profile
You value loyalty highly.
You're completely devoted to your friends and family.
Even if they totally screw up, you're still there for them.
Just make sure they're equally loyal to you!
You value honesty a fair amount.
You're honest when you can be, but you aren't a stickler for it.
If a little white lie will make a situation more comfortable, you'll go for it.
In the end, you mostly care about "situational integrity."
You value generosity a fair amount.
You are all about giving, as long as there's some give and take.
Supportive and kind, you don't mind helping out a friend in need.
But you know when you've given too much. You have no problem saying "no"!
You value humility highly.
You have the self-confidence to be happy with who you are.
And you don't need to seek praise to make yourself feel better.
You're very modest, and you're keep the drama factor low.
You value tolerance highly.
Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you...
You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends.
You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them. The Five Factor Values Test Leo
Since you are such an attention craver, you are into wearing the sexiest clothes and going straight for the sexiest person in the room. You like secure people who are genuine and have a good fashion sense. In bed, you like to get all of the attention, so you need a partner who can worship you for the hottie that you are. You like to dance and strip for your partner and you enjoy buying the sexiest lingere for yourself. Sex matches: Aries, Sagittarius, Libra
Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com
You Have A Type A- Personality
You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.
When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds Do You Have a Type A Personality?.mygen { Miscellaneous Properties } img { filter:none;} body { cursor:crosshair;} a:hover { cursor:se-resize;}
MySpace Layouts
MySpace Layouts

My Interests

HERE'S HOW MY PROFILE HOME PAGE LOOKS 24/7!!!!Lyrics Myspace MP3 Players by L0udFus10n dot c0m..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
a b o u t . m e ??
name:: NIKELA
nicknames:: KIWI
gender:: FEMALE
birthdate:: 8-14-79
Starsign:: LEO
Righty or Lefty:: RIGHTY BABY
height:: 5'2
weight:: 145
eye colour:: TOYDAY,BLUE
piercings/tattoos:: 12 PIERCINGS AND 5 TATTOOS FOR NOW
braces:: NO
glasses:: YES
colours:: PINK,BABY BLUE
number:: 7
store:: Target
song:: Prince Let's Go Crazy and Rick Ross Hit U From The Back
band:: Daughtry
movie:: DREAM GIRL
actor:: Cillian Murphy & Jon Heder
actress:: Angelina Jolie & Queen Latifah
animal:: Dolphin
food:: culvers * Bacon ButterBurger Deluxe
lolly:: WHAT
vege:: black eyed peas,Broccoli,Cabbage ,
drink:: VERDI
coke/pepsi:: COKE
chocolate/vanilla:: STRAWBERRY & CHOCOLATE
dogs/cats:: DOG
summer/winter:: SUMMER
ocean/pool:: OCEAN
gold/silver:: GOLD
kisses/hugs:: HUGS
resturant/fast food:: RESTURANT
day/night:: NIGHT
truth/dare:: DARE
say hi to you:: SOME LADY IN TARGET
say, i love you:: BOB
kiss you:: BOB
hug you:: BOB
say, bye:: BOB
write you a note:: KIM
take your photo:: TASHA
text you:: LISA
call you:: JAMIE
buy you something:: JEANNIE
go to the movies with you:: BETH
hair colour:: BROWN
eye colour:: BROWN
height:: 6'4
slim or muscular:: CHUNKY
cute or hot:: CUTE
Funny or serious:: FUNNY
Shy or outgoing:: OUTGOING
i wish:: BOB WAS HERE
celebs:: THINK THEY R IT
dresses:: LOVE THEM
sharks:: HATE THEM
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I'd like to meet:

You're a Freaky Kisser
When you kiss, you want to experience something new
A new technique, a new partner, a new piercing...
And your own personal kissing style is very unpredictable
There's no saying where your tongue or hands will go What Kind of Kisser Are You?
Myspace Layouts

Graphics & LayoutsProfile Tracker ..Mary J. Blige - It's On

Music Code provided by Song2Play.Com


Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from www.sexiluv.com
When I think of you versus my ex One thing comes to mind. Nothing is better every time Than Good ol’ Make up Sex!
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from www.sexiluv.com


Innocence is pictured differently through many eyes, Blinded by the sheer beauty of it. Picture perfect Mona Lisa, Hard to believe in such innocence. Innocence can be found in a virgin, Until the devil cracks his whip with lust and dirty pleasure, That will be flushed away. Can innocence be found in me? After all the crimes I’ve committed? Fallen for my guilty pleasure, I’ve lies that I’m going to take to the grave. I have racial views that I’m not proud of. Innocence that is taken by sexuality, My love for men cast a shadow over me by many eyes. Is innocence lost from the day we leave the womb, Innocence is the eye of the beholder.
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from www.sexiluv.com
Sex Versus Love Love is the most dangerous thing in the world. We can defeat and conquer it by sexual encounters.Don't forget Sex is good, Love is bad,Let me explain why.Love brings sadness Sex brings self esteem and joy and longevity to life.Sex is a crystal clear, plain sight Love is murky and blurred vision.Love is morbid and stressful Sex is humorus and easy going.Sex is something up-beat Love is plummeting.Love is larger than life Sex is life itself.Sex is like saving money Love is like spending money.Love is a game of hide and seek Sex is a game of frog leap.Love confuses the soul Sex rejoices the soul.Sex is exchanging energy Love is wasting it.Love is hell on earth Sex is heaven on earth.Love is sleepless nights Sex is sweet dreams.Sex is a torrid interlude Love is chill of the wind.Love is a narcotic dependence Sex is detoxication.Love is solitude and desparation Sex is a party with large circle of friends.Love is Spartan and redundant Sex is simple and quintessential.Love reqiures commitment and chastity Sex reqiures friendship and reminiscene.


Myspace Layouts


myspace layouts

My precious little girl You're finally here in this great big worldAll the months of anticipation Finally at an end If you only knew all the joy that I have withinYou are so tiny, so perfect, so precious, so pure, You are so much more than I could have ever asked forYour tiny little fingers Your tiny little toes Oh, how I love your little button noseYour beautiful thick hair Your beautiful brown eyes I swear that you are an angel in disguiseI hold you close to me and feel your tiny heart beat Before long I will hear the pitter patter of your little feetMy precious little girl I thank God for you every night I also pray that your future is so very brightMy precious baby girl I love you more than you will ever know I hope that you will cherish this when you grow oldI LOVE YOU Mommy


I'm a private person, tend to keep my feelings inside But I must share with you the extent of my pride That I have for my mother, the women I treasure. No instrument in the world could possibly measure The love and admiration that my heart contains. She is the sunshine whenever it rains. She works so hard and does so much For all of her children, that no other mom could touch The dedication and love she has for her kids- In an auction of moms, she would fetch the highest bids. She is always there, through thick and thin. She consoles me if I lose, and she shares in the win. She has given so much of herself, I don't know how to repay. This little poem does not seem like enough. Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't let her see How much that I love her, and how much she means to me. I would be nothing without my mom, I just know it. I love her with all of my heart, though I don't always show it. A bird without wings can still sing its song. It cannot fly but it can still get along. Without my mom I could still get by. But with her on my side, I'll be soaring high.

My Blog

Thoughts of my "baby" i love u

  Things have been horrid, and things have been great, but never as they are in the present, For now I find myself in the midst of my greatest time, the sweet fruit of one flower, Though expre...
Posted by Nikela on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 10:04:00 PST

why do people come and love u, just to turn around to hurt u

I'm not gonna tell you how much I love youI'm not gonna tell you how much I care, I'm not gonna tell you how much I miss you, Or how much I wish I was there.Our time together meant nothing to you, And...
Posted by Nikela on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 12:50:00 PST


People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you > > know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.> > > > When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is us...
Posted by Nikela on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 01:33:00 PST

nobody wanna see us together

Nobody wanna see us together But it don't matter no Cause I got you babe Nobody wanna see us together But it don't matter no Cause I got you babe Cause we gon' fight Oh yes we gon' fight Believe we ...
Posted by Nikela on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:30:00 PST

project chick

sometimes you gotta pay the cost an take the lost, simply to put a CHICK in her place, and to keep thier head wondering. see,these broads wanna see me down bad. they want me to crumble. as long a...
Posted by Nikela on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 09:25:00 PST


Happiness This new year i've realized how blessed i am. I tend to look at the negative things in my life and not let them get me down, but now i've been seeing how much my life is full of happiness,...
Posted by Nikela on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 01:53:00 PST

Opps I Got The Poops

One day a girl was riding in the car, on her way home after dropping a friend off.  her stomach started to bubble and she had to go before getting to her stop, she could no longer hold it. That g...
Posted by Nikela on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:46:00 PST

A Naughty Little Poem

A Naughty Little Poem She whispered "will it hurt me?" "Of course not" answered he "It's a very simple process, You can rely on me." She said "I'm very frightened, I've not had this before. My friend...
Posted by Nikela on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 12:35:00 PST


Laughter    Laughter is a pleasant sound, it spreads joy all aroundWhether you're young or old, laughter can be likeMagic to our souls, whenever we're feeling sadLaughter can ...
Posted by Nikela on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 12:17:00 PST

From Here To Forever

From Here To Forever --> --> I plan on being the one you lean on The one you look at with loving eyes. I do plan on showing you my weakness For certain things and my strength for others. Gonna make...
Posted by Nikela on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:51:00 PST