Healing, Preaching, of course music, the arts..etc
Hm...after seeing Jesus, I don't know if I really care to meet anyone else...
I listen to pretty much anything...I'm captured worship music...I'm anxious about the NEW SOUND!
Set if Off, Ocean's 11, 12, and 13, comedy, action, when I'm in the mood 'love stories'..
I don't need TV I have a playstation 2 and the internet:-)
I like mysteries. My favorite mystery is Run For Your Life by Andrea Kane. My ultimate favorite book is the Bible which is compiled of 66 books!I like books...but I have an allergic reaction to the school books, lol.
Jesus Christ - The rose of sharon...the reason for my existence. Dr. T.L. and Dr. Bev. Martin - They trained up a child - I'm older and not departed. Trenton and Kanule Martin - w/o them I'd be in a looney bin, lol. Pastors Joel and Linda Budd - My covering and super uber awesome Pastors!!! Mrs. Linda Burris (Mom) for being obedient - and now I'm healed OBF for giving me room to just be MEK! OSU - for giving me a chance ORU - for teaching me more than just book knowledge Mommy for giving me life Grandma - for teaching me sarcasm My Siblings (Antman, Josh, She She) - for continuing to look up to me even when I don't know what the heck I'm doing. AND TEACHERS - W/O YOU WE'D BE...WELL, UNLEARNED.