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About Me

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Hi! my name is Joannina. But my friends call me Jo,Jo-Jo or Giovannina (well onli my ma calls me that if she gets pissed at me or i'm not listening to her). so call me any of them and i'll respond. Ummm. . .a lil' bit about myself, ummmmm. . .i was raised in glen burnie, maryland and born in DC but my ancestors are from baltimore,boston and hell's kitchen, new york.i HATE talking on the phone i find it a waste of time. so if i call you it's cuz i have a reason i do NOT call people to chat or say hi. i found it dumb i can just send them an email or a message or comment on myspace. but if u do live in another country such as melissa and i have ur phone number i will call you and talk since i cant see u everyday.or if ur my boyfriend then i will most likely call u everyday but not the kind were i call u every 5 minutes.but if YOU wanna call me to say hi. call me. maybe u'll get lucky and i'll answer. my phone calls usually go out not in so good luck calling me.the things that come out of my mouth make no sense or are just funni cuz i dont think before i talk all the time. but i love making people laugh. my day would suck if i didnt make anyone laugh.i can be a total bitch. i'm not a fighter but i can punch and slap the shit out of you. I'm very proud of my hertiage, I'm half italian, fourth irish and british.i am somewhat fluent in french and somewhat in italian.my best friends are brittany, dana, kristen, blair and my G from canada, melissa and who ever else is in my posse in my school or somewhere in the other states or countrys!i love my bestest friend and the girl i call my sister, Dani very much so if you fuck with her prepare to fuck with me.if u wanna talk:
joisdabomb89-Aim pierresgurl7289@aim.com-Msn sk8erchic7289-Yahoo
so hit me up sometime

My Interests

just hanging out and chilling wit my friends, listeing to my ipod and i love to shop!

I'd like to meet:

i would like to meet any band that i love and rocks!


im mostly into anykind of music except country im not a big fan of that


i love too many movies. . .uhhhh malibu's most wanted, out cold, billy elliot, radio, remember the titans, titanc and there is alot more that i can't think of


i love watching family guy, the simpson, jackass, viva la bam and alot more


i prefer magazines i dont really read books


my mom has been throgh so much shit and she helped me wit most of the stuff i've been through and i wouldnt be the person i am today witout her. my friends who are brave and patient enough to tell wit me all day. trust me its hard.

My Blog


We aren't quite northern, we're aren't quite southern, we're just chill.We can catch cook and pick our own crabs from our own bay.We are in Maryland, the best state in the US, which means we have skii...
Posted by *Glen Burnie's Finest* on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 08:34:00 PST

soundtrack to my life

Opening credits: dont wanna think about you by simple plan Waking up:  crooked stick by jamie kennedy and stu stone Average day:  meet you there by simple plan First date:  bologn...
Posted by *Glen Burnie's Finest* on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 08:41:00 PST

ummm b/f application cuz i'm bored so uh do it

BASICS (YOU)Name:Age:Location:Height:Hair (color and style):Eyes:Piercings/tattoos:OTHER1. Where would we go on dates?2. Who are three (or more) of your favorite bands/artists?3. Do you drink/smoke??4...
Posted by *Glen Burnie's Finest* on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 11:20:00 PST

how well do u know me???

who Let's see REALLY knows me...Lets see the funny shit u people come up with! YOU fill in the blanks about ME even if u dont have any idea what they are and send it back to ME. But first post a blank...
Posted by *Glen Burnie's Finest* on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 09:13:00 PST