Add My Shiney New Page In My Top 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! profile picture

Add My Shiney New Page In My Top 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

Well what exactly do you want to know about me? I can be the most caring person 1 minute and a straight bitch the next. I try to be nice to people on myspace but you people make it hard sometimes. i will try and answer every ones messgaes but i wont answer hey ma and hows your day n all that because honestly do you really care all the way across the country and thats all you want to know???? but anyway i stopped modeling because i was tired of meeting asshole celebrities. yea i said it. but im bout to put my toes back in as well as getting into acting. I have 4 chihuahuas and I live in n.j. I strip out in Atlantic City if you're ever in town. I love to go out and have fun get dressed up n act like im the only one in the room. DONT ASK ME TO ADD YOU TO MY TOP....ITS SET AND IT TAKES TO DAMN LONG. LOL. SSSoooo the moral is I love to laugh i live n nj i strip i have 4 dogs n dont ask me what i already told you. MUAH!!

My Interests

Everything that isnt boring.

I'd like to meet:

All of the sane people on Myspace n lets call it a celebration BITCHES! And of course VIN DIESEL, MARQUES HOUSTON, YOUNG ROME, CHRIS BROWN, AND the inner me. yeah i know that shit's deep. lol.


well im picky i love me r&b both new and classic, I love me some southern rap and i love lenny kravitz everything else is ight. but i hates me some country i aint gon stunt.


o shit if i can solve within the first 5 mins of the movie i love if not it dont make no damn sense to me. but i love almost everything but action and kung fu. i love me some japanese movies though but why when america remakes the movie it bombs???




horror, thriller, murder-mystery


Even though they dont think so my grandmom, my dad, and Mr. Percy Daggs III. I dont need to explain the first 2 cause they are family but Percy because be is 1 of those rare black men black women have only dreamed about. he's amazing in every sense. And he knows it but he dont flaunt it and that makes him an even bigger person but i aint gon write and article on the man hit him up n watch VM and see for yourself.

My Blog


it sucks to think you have made friends with people and to think you know people on a good level. to actually care about someone as far as to love them as a friend and hero. to make friends with peopl...
Posted by Stay tuned for the pics on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:28:00 PST

The Inside Scoop

  Well for those of you who havent figured it out im a model. one day i would eventually like to become an actress. I love the business a lot. Atleast some parts anyway. I would love to get into ...
Posted by Stay tuned for the pics on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 01:53:00 PST

Desire pt. 4

Im lost in a world of myselfand all there is, is me but who am I?I dont know who i amthats the gods honest truthIm lost in my own bodyand i cant see my way outI cant find a labeli look in the mirror a...
Posted by Stay tuned for the pics on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 06:17:00 PST

Desire pt. 3

Deep down inside there is somethingsomething i cant see something I can't touchNever sad never mad somethingIt's too deep deeper than I have ever attempted to ventureI wonder what will happen if I rea...
Posted by Stay tuned for the pics on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 05:22:00 PST

To have a singer for 1 night...

For you to sing in my earand take away all my fearI am forever yours in this moment in timeusing more than 15 min for our moment to shineWith each passing waves as our bodies collideI cant stop thinki...
Posted by Stay tuned for the pics on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 02:05:00 PST

Desire pt. 2

The fullness of my assets I am admiring myself in the mirror No more shedding tears just so happy in my new state of mind I am no longer green with envy Wishing to look like her from her look...
Posted by Stay tuned for the pics on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 02:27:00 PST

Desire pt. 1

Red is the color of my blood when I am alive The color of my heart that beats so freely The color of my face when I am angry Red the color I most despise Weave is a description of my dream when th...
Posted by Stay tuned for the pics on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 02:16:00 PST


With leaves so crisp and green some odd inches tall it sits in a glass vase this is a plant that sits on a shelf It's stems, so strong and vibrant as they intertwine to make a cylinder they remind ...
Posted by Stay tuned for the pics on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 01:55:00 PST

Don't Judge Me

You may think you know mebut  what do you really know?You think you can read my mind and know what im thinking.But don't insult me with your judgement with your talkshow bull shituntil you are in...
Posted by Stay tuned for the pics on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 12:26:00 PST

June 17, 2001

What happened to us? We were so tight No matter the time your timing was just right You were there when I needed you morning, noon, or night. And for you I was there too Until one day the sky wasnt bl...
Posted by Stay tuned for the pics on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 08:26:00 PST