TheaTer&FilM, aRT- MOderN and ClaSSicaL,TraVel, HisTorY, SusTAinaBLE ArChitecTure, FRienDs, YoGa, SpriTuaLitY, LovE, MuSic,
Thelma and Louise! The Girls My Lovely London... Miss you!
WondERLanD, BeNNy and JooN, a NigHt At THe ROxBerrY, SeSNse and SEnsAbiLitY, DouBt, ThE eMpTy FlaT, CaPotE, JaCkAss, ThE HouRS, DIsNEy ClaSSics- EspeCiaLLy PeTEr PaN.. And Too MaNy MorE to SaY!!! I LOVE MOOOVIESSS!!!! ReALLy MusT wAtCh MorE...
BlAck AdDer, The SImpSonS, FaMiLy GUy, ThE OFfiCE (English VErsiOn Of COuRse) EaSTeNderS, THe HistORy ChaNnEL, ColBerT REpoRt, Lots Of COmedY CenTRaL!!!
THe BiBle, ScIEncE and HealTH By MarY BaKEr EddY, My LIfe SO FaR By JaNE FoNda, The MistS oF AvaLoN, AnYthiNg bY rObeRT GodDard, ThE PoiSonwOOD BibLe, ThE GivEr, PLaYS PLAYs pLayS... soooooOO MaNY PLays!!! MuCH Ado AbouT NotHing, OthELlo, RiChaRd III, KiNg LEaR,DaNNy and The DEEp BlUe SEa,
My SEEstER KriSta, MarMie, My CrAzy PapA, JeFF SaChs, MeRiBetH!!