Eating, sleeping, watching T.V., playing cards, reading, hanging out, studying (yeah, right)... uhh, what else... bungee-jumping, white water rafting, surfing, wakeboarding, skateboarding, skiing, skeet-shooting, paragliding, alligator-wrestling, professional wrestling... i really think you should move on to the next one...
Just about anyone... People who are smart, opinionated and nice... Old acquaintances, old friends... And of course, women... just add me up, people, it's worth your time... trust me...
Heavy Metal, Grunge, Gothic, and Dark Rock, maybe some punk... Classical music, and some jazz... Pinoy music, except those novelty songs that i keep hearing on PUVs... scary...
humm... a bit too many... I'm a film buff.. sorry...
Saturday Night Live, David Lettterman, Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, Whose line is it anyway?, News, MTV, Star Mandarin, AXN, ESPN, HBO, Star World, Star Movies, Cinemax, Grand Sumo Seasonal Tourneys...
Fave authors: Dan Brown, Mario Puzo, Thomas Harris, Jostein Gaarder, Umberto Eco, and JRR Tolkien... Bathroom Readers, School Textbooks...