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Toaster Bot

Proboscus ^~^

About Me

YES, I do the makeup myself. Please do not hit on me. I am seriously here for FRIENDS only. You will not only offend me by coming on to me, but in all likelyhood, make me not want to talk to you ever again. I am much more flattered by honest friendship.
Talk to me like a perv, and all Im doing is reporting you. I dont care how hot you are.
On that note, feel free to talk to me about makeup. I would LOVE to help out anyone trying to get a shoot together or wanting to make some sort of zombie movie. If you cant tell, I really like makeup. Allll kinds of makeup.

What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]

The Feline:
The Feline is the symbol for Independence. You have a soul of a Cat inside you, which reflects a sensitive and independant behavior.

Strengths: Normal routines are common in this lifestyle as the Feline doesn't enjoy being brought upon something new because of this calm nature. The Feline is never really seen with many friends because of the indepenence it takes. A high awareness, overly observant, is also common. Some may call you an outcast at times, but you always seem to fit in wherever you are needed.

Flip Side: The past is like the present for you. The memories of long ago, good and bad, haunt your mind, and regret is always on the fringes of your thoughts. You can be very sensitive and shy when it comes to certain topics, and even around people.

Congratulations! You have a Cat inside!

pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen

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In Greek mythology, Mneme was one of the three original Muses, daughters of Mnemosyne; though there were later nine. Her sisters were Aoide and Melete. She was the muse of memory. -Mnemosyne was the personification of memory in Greek mythology. This titaness was the daughter of Gaia and Uranus and the mother of the Muses by Zeus.In Hesiod's Theogony, kings and poets receive their powers of authoritative speech from their possession of Mnemosyne and their special relationship with the Muses.Zeus lay with Mnemosyne for nine consecutive nights and thereby created the nine muses. Mnemosyne was also the name for a river in Hades, counterpart to Lethe, according to a series of 4th century BC Greek funerary inscriptions in dactylic hexameter. Dead souls drank from Lethe so they would not remember their past lives when reincarnated. Initiates were encouraged to drink from the river Mnemosyne when they died, instead of Lethe. These inscriptions may have been connected with a private mystery religion, or with Orphic poetry
Cyanide & Happiness @
Name:: Kelly Nelson
Birthday:: June 17 1987
Birthplace:: Minneapolis, MN
Current Location:: I am never mentally stationed anywhere really. Im constantly in transit. Im in bed right now though, computer using spot of choice.
Eye Color:: hazel/green/blue, it changes
Hair Color:: light blonde
Height:: 5'6
Right Handed or Left Handed:: both, but I usually use my right hand
Your Heritage:: Im dirty euro-trash
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Still havent put any on
Your Weakness:: things that are inherently and obviously bad for me
Your Fears:: Apathy, getting stuck in a rut, complacency
Your Perfect Pizza:: Garbage baby, gimme everything, cept no meat, cuz, ew
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: maintain optimal happiness. Skip some rocks. Visit old places. Walk through the woods.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:: antidisestablismentarianism, schmantidisestablishmentarianism...
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Fuuuuuuuuuck
Your Best Physical Feature:: my left armpit, its fuckin sexy
Your Bedtime:: whenever
Your Most Missed Memory:: sleeping when I was a child. The dreams I had, the places I went, the comfort I lived in. It just hasnt been the same since adulthood took hold.
Pepsi or Coke:: Carbonated beverages are evil, and need to be kept away from me, for I cannot deny their sweet, lusty vigor.
MacDonalds or Burger King:: I preffer Subway and the lack of heatlamps they have.
Single or Group Dates:: I like to go study in libraries and have my dates watch me helplessly as I ignore them for fascinating books on sorcery.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:: If I said sweet-tea, that would be an amusing stereotypical southern answer, being that I live in the south now...and its a sad truth that everyone does indeed drink that stuff. Water plz.
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Strawberry.
Cappuccino or Coffee:: Soy chai latte.
Do you Smoke:: Not anymore. Im pretty geared to just smoke an occasional clove now and then and that will satisfy my lust.
Do you Swear:: fuck no
Do you Sing:: to the birds.
Do you Shower Daily:: SOmetimes BI-daily
Have you Been in Love:: Only once. It was so good, it had to end, abrubtly in a ball of fire.
Do you want to go to College:: There is probably nothing higher on my goals to achieve right now. IT WILL HAPPEN, MARK MY WORDS.
Do you want to get Married:: Not right now, but I do see myself there eventually. Im far too much of a romantic not to get married.
Do you belive in yourself:: More vehemently than you would know.
Do you get Motion Sickness:: Never
Do you think you are Attractive:: Like a siren.
Are you a Health Freak:: I preffer health nut. Nuts are more solid and hearty.
Do you get along with your Parents:: I love my mommy. As long as we dont live with each other...
Do you like Thunderstorms:: Most definately
Do you play an Instrument:: I like to play the piano when no one is around. I close my eyes and play the songs I know. I have been doing it so long, I dont need to look, and it takes me away. Its a wonderful way to clear the head.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:: nope
In the past month have you Smoked:: nope
In the past month have you been on Drugs::
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:: ya
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:: I think like, yesterday actually.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:: Most definately.
In the past month have you been on Stage:: HA, hell yeah, many different kinds.
In the past month have you been Dumped:: nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:: no, but thats a good idea!
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:: nope
Ever been Drunk:: This was apparently made by a 12 year old...who wasnt from the south. HAHA
Ever been called a Tease:: Nope
Ever been Beaten up:: yep, but you shoulda seen them.
Ever Shoplifted:: yep, different times, different morals.
How do you want to Die:: like Scarface, in a flurry of bullets
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:: I want to be an international explorer, and finder of interesting people and places, I want to dissect bodies, and I want to play with my children in the fields of Africa.
What country would you most like to Visit:: all of them, every last one, and outerspace too.
In a Boy/Girl...
Favourite Eye Color:: caramel brown
Favourite Hair Color:: dark brown
Short or Long Hair:: I like kinda long hair, a bit femme, or just really short and choppy
Height:: taller than me
Weight:: I dunno, just as long as they weigh more than I do and aren't fat.
Best Clothing Style:: their own
Number of Drugs I have taken:: no thanks.
Number of CDs I own:: ? A lot
Number of Piercings:: 3
Number of Tattoos:: eventually id like it to go from none to 6
Number of things in my Past I Regret:: 1
BASiC iNF0...
nicknames:: Thundercunt Extraordinaire, mommy
school/grade:: Im not answering this.
backgrounds:: The background to my eyelids sometimes looks like a flaming landscape with little floating dots and sqiggles...
siblings:: two, both older, Ross and Erika
straight/bi/gay:: I am a lover of people, not genders.
job:: mother, student of life, combat medic
hair color:: blonde
eye color:: blue/green/yellow/orange
height:: 5'6
ethnicity:: Im a cracka!
look like a celeb:: apparently quite a few but I get Lindsey Lohan the most
dye your hair:: cha
have bangs:: no
have braces:: had them
wear glasses:: only for kink
wear contacts:: only for fun
piercings:: 3, ears and tongue
tattoos:: not yet, but Im almost there favorites
color:: pink, white, turquoise, peach
movie:: I dunno, I have too many and theyre all dependent on my mood.
tv show:: House, Ive only seen it because the DVD was given to me, otherwise I try to stay away from tv.
animal:: Cats and birds of prey. Certain select dogs are cool, and I LOVE snakes.
food:: Strawberries. Big, plump, red strawberries.
drink:: Chocolate Milk sucka's
alcoholic drink:: buttery nipple or "Juice"
car:: an old Corvette Stingray or a Firebird
day of the week:: Saturday duhhh
season:: fall
song:: Aint Afraid to Die- Dir en Grey.
sport:: Lacrosse, or hockey
radio station:: fuck the radio, and fuck time warner
resturant:: cute ma and pop places, or cliche artsy vegan restaraunts, or anything from another country
teacher:: Mrs. McGlade, my kindergarten teacher. What a goddess.
class:: I loved my anatomy class more than life itself. Keke, reanimator jokes, ahahaha.
holiday:: Halloween, derrr
quote:: Im not a word person, Im a visual person. Images leave a far longer lasting impression on me than words. And for the most part, an image is far more honest than any words you can give me.
book:: I love photography books, I really do, or art books in general.
magazine:: Elle and Vogue or pretty much any fetish magazine.
flower:: daisies
memory:: sleeping as a child, falling in love for the first time.
tv channel:: I dont watch tv, we went over this.
person you hugged:: Cory
person you kissed:: Cory
thing you said:: "That bodiless head just violated that Co-ed!!!"
thing you ate:: Bacon Cheesburger with seasoned, tasty ass fries.
imed:: "you know I dont walk around covered in blood..."
texted:: Do you want a cookie??
you called:: Cory
called you:: Cory
person you saw:: Ayla, Bonnie, and a shitton of people from work. We all went out to eat, and man do your NCO's act different off the clock and drunk.
you have a long convo with:: Cory, or Alex I suppose.
summer or winter:: fall, but I guess summer second because I hate the cold, and winter gets tedious after about two days.
dog or cat:: cat
pepsi or coke:: Milk, I like my bones intact, thanks.
cellphone or ipod:: I hate my cell phone, and I dont have an ipod.
ocean or pool:: ocean
black or white:: grey
chocolate or vanilla:: strawberry
flowers or candy:: candy!!!
rock or rap:: rock
tv or movie:: movie
aim or myspace:: myspace
stars or hearts:: stars
bracelet or necklace:: necklace
gold or silver:: silver
brunette or blonde:: brunette
kisses or hugs:: hugs
pen or pencil:: both at the same time baby
lb or oc:: FUCK THAT SHIT, is it sad I know what those mean??? ;___; I think so...
drank:: No, Ive been pregnant for like a fucking eternity.
smoked:: nope
failed a test:: We dont have tests in the army, we just shoot you in the head.
had sex:: Pregnant...and now Im just not allowed.
been home alone:: I dont think Ill be alone for a long long time from now on. Got the wee one constantly at an arms reach.
stayed home from school:: those were the days
been to the mall:: yeah
bought a book:: yeah
been to a show/concert:: oh yeah
yelled at someone:: not angrily, just cause it was loud.
got into a fight/argument:: I never really fight with people, I speak openly and honestly and they usually do the same back.
cried to a friend:: yep
told a lie:: I never lie...O.O
been out of state:: sadly no, but I have left this godforsaken town plenty.
iN Y0UR R00M...
tv:: yep
your own phone:: my cell phone is usually sitting where I cant hear it unless I want to.
your own phone line:: this quiz was made for 13 year olds, I swear to god.
vcr:: they still make those?
dvd player:: yep
radio:: yep
computer:: yep
posters:: yep
of what?:: art, and a cool metropolis poster, like, the old movie from the 20's.
pictures:: yep
of who?:: the Chicago skyline, my friends from my old job, me and Alex cosplaying, and some stuff from AIT
taken or single:: SINGLE. SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE. No more messing with "that". Too much drama.
name pleaseee:: Ass, see: Brad Pitt
how far have you gone:: omg ~giggle~, one time with Billy...
how far do you want to go:: I suppose there are still a few complicated bendy positions I havent tried. Some require more people, so sure, Ive still got some more to do.
last person you said i love you to:: My peanut
10 PE0PLE WH0 MEAN A L0T T0 Y0U...:
1:: Ayla
2:: Jena
3:: Alex
4:: Josh
5:: My mother
6:: I still care a lot about Cory...
7::Yeah, those are probably the people Id take a bullet for, so everyone else is equally loved. I really care about everyone, so listing them wont do any good or prove anything other than I have ten friends. Whoopdeedoo
9 THiNGS Y0U L0VE...
1:: love itself, I seek it avidly
2:: learning something new and useful
3:: dreaming
4:: Sleeping in on a Sunday morning with my lover.
5:: music, esp intelligent music
6:: the human body, its soooo beautiful.
7:: long, and seemingly pointless conversations about flighty and philosophical or psychological things.
8:: dissecting things, oh does that make me giddy.
9:: playing dress up
1:: complacency
2:: closed-mindedness
3:: when people try and hide their agenda's. We all have them, ok? You arent fooling anyone.
4:: when people are ignorant and comfortable with it, or in denial of it to begin with.
5:: people who are in denial
6:: premeditated cruelty towards others
7:: apathetic cruelty towards others
1:: happiness
2:: love
3:: the sun
4:: SLEEP, copious amounts of it
5:: paper and pencil
6:: true friends
7:: a clear mind and sharp wit
1:: jeans
2:: tanktop
3:: sweater
4:: nope...
5:: thats it..
6:: ...
1:: Drinking every alcoholic beverage known to man, and then smoking like 10 cloves.
2:: studying for my college classes that I have tomorrow
3:: sleeping
4:: kyaking
5:: cuddling, wait...Ayyyyla. She cant fight mommy, mommy is too big. hahahahahahha
1:: Book stores
2:: Craft stores
3:: Walmart, they have like, everything!!!
4:: ..?? I kind of hate shopping...
1:: A boat with gas, HA
2:: a towel
3:: lunch!
1:: love
2:: skin
1:: I miss someone but missing them has no point because theyre never coming back.
DiD Y0U...
like the survey:: it was made for a 13 year old, yet I took the whole thing
wish it were over 5 minutes ago:: no, these things are entertaining to take
lie about anything:: no, why would I?? Thats stupid...
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

If I were on Southpark...

So there was this one point in my life where I cosplayed. It was actually probably the best times of my life. I was young, I was surrounded by some really great people, and was given the chance to meet some even more incredible people. GOOD TIMES. If any of you know who Dir en Grey is, there has been a sect of people doing "cosplay" which is a term the Japanese coined for costume playing, where you dress as your favorite jrock band, jpop band or even anime character. Anywho, we did Diru, and I was Kaoru.

And if ya want more, you can feel free to look here.

I'd like to meet:

People who are open to life, curious like monkeys, playful and passionate, and prefferably suffering from a strange virus that has for some reason re-animated their dead flesh...


Dir En Grey, Gorillaz, Flaming Lips, Lords of Acid, Lacuna Coil, Tool, Muse, Devotchka, Eisley, Flyleaf, MSI, Garbage, Tricky, Radiohead, Poe, Atmosphere, Graeme Revell, Laibach, NIN, Smashing Pumpkins, Rammstein, The Faint, Jem, Digitata, Auf Der Maur, Orgy, Despairs Ray, Modest Mouse, Strauss, Bach, Bolero, Teagan and Sara, Rasputina, Tatu, Hanzel and Gretyl, Kidney Thieves, Nirvana, Coldplay, Placebo, The Venus in Furs, Korn, Rob Zombie, Enya, Horror Pops, Sigur Ros, Marilyn Manson, Papa Roach, Deftones, Morrisey, Sarah McLachlan, Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Bjork, Miyavi, Gackt, Laureena McKennit, Delerium, Enigma, DJ Tiesto, System of a Down, Madonna




I really love classic literature, and photography books. But my favorite books would probably be my collection of original childrens fairy tales, and Harry motha fuckin Potter. A timeless classic.


Anyone who refuses to let life get them down, who live each day with vigor and passion and refuse to be complacent with their station in life and who loves life and treats it with great respect.

Anyone who can accomplish that, perfectly.

My Blog

I need to return some video tapes...

So back I go to the working world.  I have two jobs Im bound to hate which will incidentally bring home the bread, and an occasional tampon or two and some TP.  I would sever my left arm off...
Posted by Toaster Bot on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:52:00 PST

I feel like shouting from a mountain top!

If you know me well, you will know that more than anything on the planet, my biggest hope, dream and wish for myself is to go to med school.  It has been my ambition for years now and it just alw...
Posted by Toaster Bot on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 10:23:00 PST

What is cuter than a baby farting...

A baby sneezing.  That is the only trump.  Together, you are powerless to the awe and splendor that is newborn.
Posted by Toaster Bot on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 06:57:00 PST

Someone set us up the Bomb...

My water totally broke at the beginning of Harry Potter. LOLZ. We, needless to say, stayed for the entire movie.  I did have my midwives consent though.  So issokay.  I go in in the mor...
Posted by Toaster Bot on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 01:08:00 PST

I wont let something so small as time and physics get me down. ends my numerical childhood. And now to spend the rest of my days over-compensating by being completely youthful and innapropriate at every chance I get.  May toys and sparkly stuf...
Posted by Toaster Bot on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 11:24:00 PST

Its Bah-gel, not Baaaayyyyeee-gel...

So this girl was talking during my lunch break today in the break room about her old job managing Brueggers Bagels.  Apparently she made a cool 25,000 a year salary and she was basically bitching...
Posted by Toaster Bot on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:03:00 PST

Lackadaisical Debauchery

Hmph.  Im ready to not be pregnant anymore.  Its gotten to the point where I cant even go more than a few hours without becoming extrememly exhausted and forced to nap.  I literally tak...
Posted by Toaster Bot on Sun, 27 May 2007 06:39:00 PST

Fork in a toaster

I think the worst thing about being pregnant is that no one can empathize with me in the slightest as to what Im going through.  Not one of you fully comprehends my situation, and I hate it. ...
Posted by Toaster Bot on Sat, 05 May 2007 02:39:00 PST

Apocrophilia Nuggets

I dont think Ive been more stressed out at any other point in my life than I am right now.  The word breakdown comes to mind, and I just feel like letting everything go and crawling into my bed ...
Posted by Toaster Bot on Thu, 03 May 2007 05:40:00 PST

Vultron, rotting teeth and an island of barbarians and forgetfulness.

Well, I suppose the earliest bit of the main dream that I can remember started with this...... ~fade fade fade~~~~ I was with a group of friends in the woods, and we were on some sort of leisurel...
Posted by Toaster Bot on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 05:53:00 PST