The Marlins eh? Where would you be without The Marlins? To be honest - probably nowhere. The Marlins have what every band wants... the ability to craft a tune from nothing (or other peoples really famous tunes) and the ability to make you, well... think about music in a different way. Formed from the ashes of a seminal art punk/noise group* and a hugely famous ironic pop quartet**, The Marlins take you on a musical journey that is unique. Yes, there are melodies to die for. Yes, there are lyrics to shed a tear for. Yes, there a hooks to hold in your head for the day. But there is mucho other stuff too. I couldn't possibly go into it now. This is what they do, this is what they are - hookastic young men, totally righteous hookage.*Congress Star - Youthful, energetic artcore band that scored major success during the early '90's with many a gig played to a packed youth centre.**Japonica - Named after an apparently lovely flower, these chaps attempted to fill the 'pop' void left in the wake of the enigmatic Congress Star. Chirpy, quirky tunes, often with an underlying tone of self-doubt and blantant endorsement of self harming. A jolly bunch.