If I dont know you and You request a friendship, Just go ahead and consider yourself rejected. However, if I dont know you and You want to send me a little message about yourself AND are actually interested in being friends I'll Consider such things.
If you constantly use cali slang such as, "Yo" or "halla" or "sup" You may ad yourself to the rejection list also.
If you wear fuzzy boots in the summer.... Your a fucking Idiot and have no buisness talking to anyone much less a goth. If your a goth and do this.....just hurry and OD or something. Its a wonder why you havent yet.
If you have the Word "kitty" in your name. You can still message me and stuff but just dont expect me to take you seriously... at all.
If the majority of your life is drug related, I wont reject you. I'll just smile and nod. So if I've already been doing this to you....please, just go away. (You need to get some self respect before I can respect you.)
I understand If by reading this will make me seem like a stuck up prick. Honestly I dont care. There is a lot of human waiste out there and this is my way of sifting through it. Have a nice day!found this fantasy layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com
Night Eternal