•·.·´¯`·.·•gRaC€™•·.·´¯`·.·â profile picture



About Me

MyGen Profile Generator
.::.my fuLL nAmE is ErNiE Grace CaBreRa
.::.yOu cAn caLL mE GrACe,ErNz or wAteVer u gUyz lyk caLLing me
.::.i liV in MArBeL City, pHiLiPpInEs s0 dOn't mInD tHe oNe beLoW my hEadLiNE haha ;p
.::.im 17 yRs oLd!!! ya...ya im yOung!!!! ;p
.::.i wAs bOrn on JaNuary !4, 1988
.::.i sTuDy at the NOtRe DamE MaRbeL UniVeRsiTY
.::.im nOw in 1sT Yr. CollEge
.::.im tHe OnLy Child
.::. EasiLy DistRacted
.::. NaUgHTy But DemuRE huH???
.::. alwayS in Love
.::. can aPPreciaTe smaLL tHingS
.::. KikAy
.::.CERtiFieD PinKaHoliC
.::. cHildisH whem Im with My friends
.::. wanted To Be A PriNcess
.::. NurSing StuDenT

My Interests

*french fries
*cotton candy
*swimming pool
*boracay (d pa ako naka punta hope this summer)
*katibawasan falls
*hot and cold spring
*maong Pants
*printed shirt
*spaghetti strap
*POinted shoes
*lip gloss
*sansan blush on
*max factor powder
*stuff Toys
*pctures(camera's love me)
*go to school(always late)
*chemistry bookS
*anatomy(soon weeehhh)
*shopping (not most of the time)
*jolly person
*stay at my room
*texting(Tm abusers)
*watch tv
*cleaning my closet(hahaha)

My Blog

wants friend

hey..online ako ngaun wana chat w/ me
Posted by "·.·´¯`·.·"gRaC¬""·.·´¯`·.·" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST