Human Resources, neuroscience, movies, food, funny pages in the newspaper,, travel, parking
I'd like to meet:
Anyone who likes snow peas, soup, the outdoors, talking, and not talking.
Guys with "Steven Segal" ponytails or Supertramp fans need not apply.
Dill Scallion, But I'm a Cheerleader, Legally Blonde, View From the Top, The Italian Job, Amelie, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Spinal Tap, Best in Show, Kill Bill, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Heathers, Singles, Office Space, Mean Girls, High Fidelity, Finding Nemo, Harry Potter, Shrek, Random Harvest
CSI, Law and Order, Racheal Ray, Project Runway, Family Guy
Jenna Jameson How to Make Love Like A Pornstar, David Sedaris, Like Water for Chocolate, White Oleander, Middlesex
What type of spirit do you have? 6 detailed results! pix
Your spirit is a bit non conforming and open, just like air.Your spirit is open to pretty much anyone and anything, you are lazy and tend to be a wishful thinker. You are too hard on yourself and need to realize the true you is not nearly as strong as you would have hoped. You are a born leader and peacemaker, sometimes you know more about people than they know about themselves. Making you a compassionate person and a great counseler. You love helping people, but foget how overwhelming it is at times. You fee llike you have to be the strgong one in every situation so everyone will be happy. You hate the same old thing everyday, and infact routine gives you no motivation to move. You are a nice happy person most of the time, but when you get angry people will know. You would never backdown from a fight and no one usually picks one with you. You have a sharp tongue and fiery demeanor when in an argument. You fit in with everybody and are friends with anyone who isnt arrogant or completely rude.Your spirit is one of a leader and healer because of your Charisma and ability to help anyone and everyone.Color: PurpleWhat you are made out of: AireAnimal: Dog.You are a beautiful aray of many talents, just keep walking!Thanks for taking my quiz!
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