Most of you who would read this already know a fair amount about me, but I'm bored. So I shall entertain myself, and in turn, hopefully entertain you as well.
I recently returned to my home in Beaverton, MI from Avondale, AZ. The people were great, the weather was nice for the most part, and I had a very easy, well paying job. Life was good. But then a woman got involved and things went to shit. But everything is OK now. I'm happy. You're happy.
Since the age of 13, I have been a member of an elite orginization known only as "The Group". We were a group of on average 13 very close friends that, over the course of our high school careers, achieved a status of local legend for our strange "antics" which we saw as completely normal. We have been out of school for two years now and we still can't go back without being praised by every passer by.
People much older than myself tell me that I have the intellegence and wisdom of your average 35 year old. Which is a blessing and a curse because most of the fun of life and all its learning experiances are already gone and I'm only 19 years old. In the words of my girlfriend and mother, I was "born an old man."
I like things in black and white. So, therefore, I am an extremely blunt person. This tends to catch people offguard and they end up either running away thinking, "This guy is fucking crazy! I can't handle this shit!" Or they end up attached at the hip to me and learn as much as they can.
I live a simple life these days, and help all that I can, anyway that I can. I love my mom, and you would too if you ever met her.