The Crowe profile picture

The Crowe

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Ah to talk about my self... I could go on for days but I'm far too humble so I'll just give you a few pages ;p
I am what I choose to be... FREE... I'm an actor, writer and artist. All and all I'm a creative person by nature. I'm content with being me... I have no desire to impress anyone... "Normal" is not something I believe in.
I have a great family that has always supported me... No matter how many stupid decisions I've made.
I'm trying to put my life together. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but Im in need of change. I plan on returning to school and finish my degree in graphic arts... Then focus more on film. Recently I started going to the gym. So far so good. Just trying to feel better and be more productive.
Im a content person. I like my job. I sell toys, I make good money and I get to deal with the public, whats not to like? I like that I have the freedom to pursue acting and Im happy with the person I've become.
While you're here check out my new movie at DMR is now avaiable for rent at WILD AND WOOLEY VIDEO. So now I can be in your house everyday without fear of being arrested... Again... It was an honest mistake ;p
Also Check out our new award winning company "Feathered Italian Films" which is my second friend on my page. Check out our web page at

My Interests

Acting, writing, art, movies, comic books anything creative.

I'd like to meet:

Our $1,000 winner for Swiffer commercial contest.

"Shattered" Version 2. This is the award winning music video we made for the Hinder (Universal Republic Records) video contest. Made in 48 hours. Hope you enjoy it!

"Hell House Trailer" featuring Five Finger Death Punch's "The Way of the Fist"

"Hell House" Our entry to the Fright Night Film Fest contest. Made in 72 hours!

"Your Own Backyard" Our entry in Louisville's 48 hour film project.

"How To Get A Chick To Bang You: An Instructional Video"

Our MTV contest Entry. Our spoof on 300. I wrote it in 15 minutes and we filmed it within 4 hours... Ah spur of the moment projects. how fun!

A feature film due to begin filming in 2008 called "Encore". Look for it soon...




My Projects:My movie! "Dead Moon Rising" movie trailer! Now available NATION WIDE!


FOX NEWS COVERAGE For "Dead Moon Rising" 8/12/06 ..


My parents.

My Blog


I've been getting a lot of messages asking me where I have been. What am I doing? Why am I ignoring you? etc... The fact is I'm not ignoring ANYONE... I am just VERY busy. Ever since the LA trip I don...
Posted by The Crowe on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 07:09:00 PST

And so it goes...

So obviously Roni and I didn't make it into the After Dark Film... Such is life I would imagine. We finished a very close 3rd. Considering we beat out hundreds of people, received a free trip to LA an...
Posted by The Crowe on Fri, 23 May 2008 05:48:00 PST

And So It Begins...

It would seem the time has come to walk the path I've set before myself... I will be flying to LA today to do a screen test for one of the newest "8 Films To Die" Perkins 14.  Some how I found my...
Posted by The Crowe on Wed, 07 May 2008 10:39:00 PST

Current Projects and Films

So a good amount of people are wondering what I am up to lately. So I thought I would share with you the current projects I am working on. DEAD MOON RISING: First and foremost I am working on a new "D...
Posted by The Crowe on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 10:05:00 PST

Jasons Acting Resume

Jason Crowe Height: 5'9" - Weight: 130lbs - Eyes: Blue - Hair: Dark Brown Film Dead Moon Rising -        Jim (Lead) -        ...
Posted by The Crowe on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 07:27:00 PST

NEWS: Contest news, Film news and interviews!

So I wanted to update everyone about our status. First off we were the FIRST runners up in a video contest for Five Finger Death Punch. Which is great! We are still a finalist in two other contests. O...
Posted by The Crowe on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 08:15:00 PST

Doing something right...

So it's always nice to be recognized for your work. No matter what you do it's always nice to hear "Great job". Recently within the first month of this New Year myself and my friends have acheived jus...
Posted by The Crowe on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 12:39:00 PST

DEAD MOON RISING now on Netflix!

Dead Moon Rising now on Netflix! Body: DEAD MOON RISING is on Netflix!Support your Local FilmmakersThe gang at Louisville Kentucky based Anubis Digital Studios is proud to announce that their first fe...
Posted by The Crowe on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 04:52:00 PST

2008... Its time

So a new year is upon us. A time to set goals for ourselves and to pursue a better life. Now I don't recall ever making a resolution on new years since I knew it would be something I would never follo...
Posted by The Crowe on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 11:26:00 PST

Jason Crowe joins the cast of Hell-ephone!

Lexington, KY: December 4, 2007: ZP International films announced today the addition of Jason Crowe to the cast of their new feature, HELL-EPHONE, slated for a fall 2008 release.Louisville resident Ja...
Posted by The Crowe on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 02:26:00 PST