I like to moslty keep to myself. When at home, I like to read, write poems, draw, and sleep alot. I also like to practices my Karate, Kick boxing,Shuo Shu, Judo, and Tae kwan do. So if you think you can take me on, you probably can becaue im still in training. I want to leanr as many styles as i can since there all intresting to learn. Anway, I like to hang out with friends whenm i get the chance and always like to make new ones.
Everone here in the world!!! lol, no i dont think thats possible and if so it might take me a life time....I just want to meet others with the same intrest or something new that i can learn....I dont really care who the person is...as long as there cool to talk to and get to know...As for a girl in my life....I just want someone to care for...that they care for me of who nothing eles....Someone who can make my day even if there some were eles...someone i can tell all the secerets with and all that i feel...but mostly...i just want to find my Juliet whoses out there some were
Favourite Color
Is some one in love with you right now love at first sight with you baby
are you in love right now yes, and been in love for a loonnnggg time...
This Quiz by therat429 - Taken 104043 Times.
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What kind of a girlfriend/boyfriend are you?
Favourite Color
You are warm and loving
When your g/f-b/f thinks you are Heaven sent
Your g/f-b/f thinks your kiss is tangy
This fun quiz by xbutterfly96x - Taken 215874 Times.
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I likr to listeb to anything that sounds good and has a good beat to it, doesn't matter what type it is.So Sick - NeYo
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rl_video_300.wmv width=350 height=350 type=*.r{}
I have tons of fav. movies, but to lazy to type them all down. All i can say that i like moveis that are either: Action, Adventure, Scary, Sci-fi, Martial arts types, and maybe some Romance in it.
I really dont have a fav. T.V. show, i just watch whats ggod on and that catches my attention.
I like to read and have many fav types to. I like to read Mysterys novels, Horror, Action, and anything thats mixed with romance.
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I would have to say:+God, because with out him i ould be lost in this world
+My Father who gave my life (Passed away, God rest his soul)
+My Mother who always helped me in the times i needed some one.
+My step-Father who helps my mother and my sisters and i and guides me through life
+My two older sisters who are my best friends because we always stick together throuh ggod and bad times.
+All of my reletives always supporting me.