Punk Rock, Independent Record Stores, Ditch & Pool Skating, Local Bands, Traveling with friends, I collect vintage skateboards & Vinyl.
Your Mama
Molly Ringwald
Claire Danes
Linnea Quigley
Circle Jerks, Agent Orange, Descendants, Lee Scratch Perry, Jody Foster's Army, Gang Green, The Ratchets, Black Flag, Crimpshrine, Filth, OPIV, Blatz, Desmond Dekker, Common Rider, The Dickies, Devo, The Germs, Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros, Johnny Rad & The Jordanairs, Naked Raygun, The Minutemen, Social Distortion, Econochrist
Return Of The Living Dead, Another State Of Mind, Decline Of The Western Civilization, Suburbia, Gleaming The Cube, Thrashin', The Search For Animal Chin, Heavy Metal Parking Lot, Wheels Of Fire, Dogtown & Z-Boys, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty In Pink, Say Anything, Better Off Dead, Over The Edge, Anything with Molly Rigwald or John Cusak. Anything with Zombies!