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Myspace Layouts - Image Hosting - Forums
MeXiCo PeRu SpaNiSh Mi GeNtE TriQuI God MiSSiOnS DaNcInG SuNSHiNe MuSiC CoNceRtS MoChAs HelpInG PeOpLe The Beach ChiLLaXiNg wiTh FriEnDs
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" Matthew 28:19-20 Working alongside the Fowlers and the Community Bible Church, to specifically work with the youth in the Tarapoto area. The youth are the future, and I believe God wants to use them in reaching the Tarapoto area, I go according to God's calling, to establish caring small groups to encourage spiritual growth, to encourage the youth to take the gospel into their circles of friends and their communities by creating a welcoming environment, as well as outreach opportunities, and training up more young people to become leaders. The youth girls in Tarapoto
OUR LADY PEACE; raine maida; DC RETO; don omar; RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS; theory of a deadman; RIHANNA; coldplay
the BIBLE, The irrisitible revolution, The Jesus I never knew.
Jesus, my Hero and Savior, Raine Maida, an amazing talented musician who cares about the state of the world. Dora, la Exploradora, Jean - i want to grow up to be just like her.