ferdi explore the world profile picture

ferdi explore the world

I am here for Friends

About Me

i don't need love, i've got my band and camera!

My Interests

promotion manager of feedback .shoegazing. design. photograph. around the city.

I'd like to meet:

that wondergirl !


shoegaze .experimental .rock .alternative . feedback. bloc party. the velvet underground. weezer .cocteau twins .polyester embassy .the milo. teenage death star. the radio dept. belle and sebastian. asobi seksu. sonic youth. a shoreline dreams. explosion in the sky. sigur ros. my bloody valentine.mogwai. mew .mojave 3. M83.


it's to expensive to watch movies ! i don't like it !


dont you wanna know, television could makes us high, so dont even think to touch and even watch it !


i think books can make us bored and staring at our own shoes !


who makes me to go to another way!

My Blog


1.Nama sekolah SMA lo?* lima2.Pas SMA lo pernah dipanggil kepsek?* pernah dong! hahaa.3.Jam berapa masuk sekolah?* pagi jam stengah 7.4.Pulang?* jam 1 kurang 105.Pernah terlambat masuk?* nop.sy ga bia...
Posted by ferdi explore the world on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 01:42:00 PST


siapa yg terakhir kamu sms / telepon?-amon manager polyester embassy sms.nurul siapa yg terakhir nelpon kamu?-riar is loser boy siapa akhir-akhir ini yg sering kamu pikirin?-feedback . white eleph...
Posted by ferdi explore the world on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 06:51:00 PST