L’Alphalpha profile picture


About Me

started with two people with similar sense of humor..Herald and Yudish grab two acoustic guitar and then they a play a nonsense song everytime they meet. and then suddenly they decided to form a duo,called alphalpha taken from the boy in "little rascal" movie. herald as alpha-1 is the electric guitar vocals and yudish as alpha-2 do acoustic one. trying to have a desperate dark experimental acoustic duo.
They Play with a mad and nonsense lyric about this country, the fun thing is they experiment with toys and gimmicks and they feel happy. maybe the audience don't understand. but they feel really happy. then they play several shows with this duo form, and record a demo at their friend house. One of their friend Ildo really loves the concept of alphalpha. he said it is interesting.
They spread the demo everytime they meet a new friend. and they got their first gig outside jakarta for the first time which is at the common room bandung. And by the help of Herald's band mate MaM,to play keyboards alphalphas first gig in bandung is a success and unforgetable. By the time goes by. herald yudish and ciwi was really into post-rock music. then alphalpha evolves into L'alphalpha. with yudish on drums,ciwi on piano,herald on electric guitar and vocal. they made another live demo in practice studio. They spent hours and hours to make a good composition for this "long" music. without leaving their experiments with the toys. And then dark and ethereal songs come up.
Friendship grows in this band. even though they don't have many shows. and they are seperated in jakarta -bandung. everytime there's a chance. they put a long practice to this band. they are happy every session time. and then someday their friend ildo decided to join this group. and take the drum position. yudish move to the bass departement and still herald on guitar and vocals and toys, and ciwi piano and guitar. the sessions turn into a very great fun.
Because of this short but long story of l'alphalpha became very warm because the situation that had happened,and then they decided to be a family more than a band. with great skills and pure feel drumming of ildo(sigma), great grip and melodies from ciwi(omega),wild blowing bass playing from yudish(alpha-2), and ethereal vocal by herald(alpha-1). the story of a family called L'alphalpha is about to begin.
contact : YUDISH @ 0856 786 2532 or ABAZH @ 0816 163 62 74
or mail to : [email protected]
and here's our TRILOGY

My Interests


Member Since: 15/03/2007
Band Members: reynaldo mahendra winitya reynardian
Sounds Like: If you stream this video and our song 'about a friend' and then play it together with no sound in the video, you can feel the magic of the song and the friendship itself.
(play the video over and over until you finish the song)
enjoy and hug your friends!

Stream this video and our song 'shalom kaverim'. after that, play it together with no sound in the video.
(you can play the video over and over, until you finish the song)
enjoy folks!

Record Label: Vinir Records
Type of Label: Indie

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