drawing music movies girls cars u know guy stuff and playin dodgeball knockin people
Oh ya im a playa lol hahaha
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SO MINE if it wasnt still in my dreams
Mya and DMX also eminem if i think of anyone else il list them i would put alyssa milano but i already met if u dont belive me go ahead and read this A sweet surprise TAYLOR ZAK is smiling now.Not only is the Soquel High School senior recovering from a liver and small bowel transplant, but a TV star showed up in his hospital room.ALYSSA MILANO of the TV show "Charmed" visited Taylor as he recovered in UCLA hospital, according to his dad, RICHARD ZAK.Taylor has a rare disease called Microvillous Inclusion Disease that prevents him from absorbing food.He is the oldest living MID survivor in the U.S., according to his dad.The transplant will allow Taylor to eat solid food for the first time in his life.His younger brother, SHELBY ZAK, also has the disease. Shelby is awaiting a transplant, too.His other brother, KASEY ZAK, is a junior at Soquel High School and does not have the disease.Taylor is doing well after the operation, said his dad.
music hmm i like a bunch of people but only really two generes in Rap i like Eminem,Dr.Dre,50 cent but only a select few songs,T.I.,Ying Yang twins,Petey Pablo,Lil Jon Eastside boys,Nate dogg,snoop dog,Mike Jones,DMX,Tech ni9ne,Exzibit,Warren G,Nelly and so many others that would take awhile to list them all and in the genre of Rock Avenged seven fold,Seether,simple plan,Nickleback,Greenday,Rammstein,Linkin Park,Bowling for soup,Uncle Kracker,Marlyin manson but only one song,Ozzy osbourne,Finger eleven,orgy and there are alot more i just cant remember them all oh there is also one more artist i like Weird al ha ha yup thats all for my music it will most likely be updated as soon as i remember who else i like I also like
These are some of the movies i likeFreddy V.S. Jason music video getting away with murder
Your a Dark Dragon! Ok, yes, not very nice. Your
evil, spiteful, malicious, and jsu darn bad.
You like to see othrs in pain, or cause it. Im
sorry to say, but you scare me. Fly around
somewhere...err, far away.
What elemental dragon are you?
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Black Dragon
If there ever was an apparition of Evil to strike terror into the hearts of man and beast, your Inner Dragon is it. Blackies are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. Your antithesis is the White Dragon
What Devil May Cry 3 -Devil Arms- are you?
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^the real Metal GodI edited my profile with The help of satans minions
i have many heroes for different reasons i have my friends who will be there for me no matter when i need them i have my mom and dad who have fought for me through my life for me to have a normal life and the doctors and nurses that have helped me while i have been in the hospital from ucsf to ucla there are also my friends cause they will be there for me when ever i need them
Transformers Generation One Personality Test
You are Optimus Prime! You are a natural born leader, brave and selfless and you will fight to the bitter end for peace and freedom. You have extensive knowledge in just about everything from art to the art of war. You would be a better leader if you were more ruthless, but then you just wouldn't be Optimus Prime. Roll out with your bad self
You scored as Jason Voorhees, You are Jason Voorhees, the maniac, misunderstood teenager from Camp Crystal Lake with a hockey mask and a machete. After dropping that garish paper bag and pitchfork, you've gone on to strike fear into the hearts of immoral teenagers at summer camp everywhere. You might be seen as evil, but you just can't stand injustice, especially against the little people.
Jason Voorhees
The Terminator
Freddy Krueger
Michael Meyers