Johnny profile picture


pun for life

About Me

by Megan Freeman............Johnny-I scoured Chumbawamba lyrics to compile a somewhat reasonable "about me" for you. Every word is from a Chumbawamba song, but if you don't want this to be how you present yourself on myspace I understand:M spells man K spells kind I'll do everything I can to try and help. Art or Death. I’m Middle-class, well-spoken, white, and a comedy geek with dynamite down his pants. I hate every pop-star that I ever met. I don’t believe in the good cop. I found a new place to dwell, and I’m quite pristine, not a hair out of place, not a wrinkle, not a crease. I jump because I can. I'm a winner, baby. I am a timebomb. Oh dear, I wish I had wings, and my social diary is always full. I choose to gamble with my life. I’m not alone. When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better. I’m not so brave and I’m not too crazy, if it is to be, it is up to me. I’ve got jobs, and ideas come/ideas go, but sometimes I vomit happy memories and still I’ll never let go. I forget myself but I remember the words, and I’m whipped and brushed from stall to track. I've got armor-piercing rockets in my pocket--watch out! I get knocked down, but I get up again. I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish that in the event of something happening to me, that you would give them these words: It's more fun in the doghouse * Pick a coin, any coin* There's stuff you find along the way, and stuff you leave behind and it all ends up as stuff that you can buy On eBay * What goes around comes around* Freddie Mercury.

My Interests

Art, second hand shopping (garage sales, flea markets, antique stores, goodwill, etc.), chess, science, music, movies, skateboarding, collecting massive amounts of stuff (right now it's dvds, records, cds, skateboards from the 80s), bowling is fun.

I'd like to meet:

pretty much anybody cool.


the new rainer maria is amazing! a lot of grind / crust / thrash/ hardcore / with some "chick music" mixed in. stiff little fingers, billy bragg, crass, chumbawamba, tori amos, ani difranco, guts pie earshot, post regiment, oi polloi, melt banana, queen, levelers, from ashes rise, his hero is gone, orchid, total fury, vitamin x, infest, paintbox, das oath, crudos, subhumans, against me!, remains of the day, gauze, demon system 13, e.t.a., mountain goats, fuck on the beach, children of bodom, buzzcocks, 324, asterisk, nasum, Y, limp wrist, flachenbrand, fleas and lice, mushroom attack, pogues, deathside, scholastic deth, what happens next?, rambo, and many more


Chick Flicks!!!! Amelie, Moulin rouge, Life Aquatic, adaptation, rushmore, shawshank redemption, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, breakfast at tiffanys, i 3 huckabees, kill bill, city of god, battle royale, love letter (japanese), pulp fiction, dirty work, snatch, schindler's list, big lebowski, sin city, basquiat, young einstein, fight club, spirited away, 12 angry men, pi, love actually, rear window, incredibles, wet hot american summer, kung pow, anchorman, super size me, garden state, pirates of the caribbean, runaway jury, suicide club, the list goes on and on. audrey hepburn, wes anderson, tarantino, kevin smith, cary grant. you know, the good stuff.


simpsons, aqua teens, futurama, mr. bean, chappelle's show, the critic, the state, young ones, family guy, home movies, sealab, discovery channel, history channel, insomniac, adventures of pete and pete, get a life, monty pythons flying circus, I miss cable :(


black holes and time warps by kip s. thorne, cosmos by sagan, 1984, the hobbit, all quiet on the western front. I don't read much. does national geographic count?


einstein, hawking, all those other smart ass mother fuckers. mel fischer.

My Blog


Everyone has been sick lately and now it's my turn.  this is lame.  so i'm probably going to be chilling at home for a bit.  sucks being sick but this could turn out to be a good thing....
Posted by Johnny on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 11:16:00 PST

what i learned today.

if you spend 7 hours inhaling ink fumes, paint thinner fumes, toner aid fumes, and spray adhesive fumes you get one wicked headache.  the fact that i didn't have much to eat probably didn't help ...
Posted by Johnny on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:38:00 PST