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J. Afable


About Me

Chinga el sistema.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Revolutionaries and percussionists.


Turn your fucking television off.

My Blog

Why Im Voting for Nader

I was going to write a blog about all the millions of reasons why everyone should vote for Ralph Nader, but then my little sister responded (negatively) to my idealist fervor, prompting me to start th...
Posted by J. Afable on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:39:00 PST

The Virgin Mary vs. Barbie

I blame the Virgin Mary for eating disorders.  Barbie takes the rap, usually, but you see, Barbie is nothing more than a big-breasted, 20th Century manifestation of the mother of Christ.  An...
Posted by J. Afable on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 04:37:00 PST

Fuck the Police

Yeah, um. . .this one's a bit long.  Sorry bout that.  Basically, just skip the first part.  It's irrelevant.************************************************* *********Fuck the police.&n...
Posted by J. Afable on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 07:07:00 PST

El Botellón

Once again, apologies. It's hard to find time to write these days.  I've been quite busy, and sick as well.  But there's one marvel of life in Granada that can wait no longer to be revealed....
Posted by J. Afable on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 06:58:00 PST

Lo que pasa es que no pasa nada

I've been a little lazy lately with the whole writing thing, but I'm gonna try to be more vigilant, because I've had so many amazing experiences and it just seems selfish to keep them to myself. ...
Posted by J. Afable on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:43:00 PST

Granada Street Art, Part Two

I promised, and now shall deliver: the second grafitti tour of Granada.  But first, my room:And this is the courtyard inside my building, with the pool that I'll only be able to use for another w...
Posted by J. Afable on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 04:23:00 PST

The toilets here could suck down a horse, and other observations

The toilets here could suck down a horse.  It's true.  Spain is very European in terms of carbon footprint; they recycle a lot more, consume a lot less, and live a lifestyle that is generall...
Posted by J. Afable on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 11:22:00 PST


I'm here and I'm alive, in Granada.  It's been a rough week and I've been como un moto, as they say here, but things are starting to settle down a bit and I can stop to take a breath of fresh, Sp...
Posted by J. Afable on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 10:49:00 PST

Granada Street Art, Part One

The street art here is absolutely incredible, and it's everywhere.  The stuff I'm posting right now is cool, but it's nothing compared to some of the other stuff I saw.  Unfortunately, I did...
Posted by J. Afable on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 09:21:00 PST

Madrid. Part Two: First Night Out with the Guys

Tonight was the first time I got to really hang out with any Spaniards and it was utterly scrumtrulescent.  I had been worried that it would be hard to make Spanish friends.  When you pass t...
Posted by J. Afable on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 06:26:00 PST