Steve profile picture


If I had a head like yours, it would ache too...

About Me

Well, if you couldn't already guess, my name is Steve. I play drums for a band called Rockwell Social. I love my family and friends, they give me endless amounts of support. I wish I could help my friends HALF as much as they help me. Always surround yourself with great people, and strive to be the best. These are things I continuously work on to be a better person, even though I have failed to do so in the past. I'm very strong-willed, stubborn, determined, and unlike a lot of people, I have integrity... weird, eh?

My Interests

The Interweb, TV, Jeeps, making people laugh... People, they're crazy and interesting...

I'd like to meet:

Everyone, I like seeing all the different personalities, you guys are crazy, and I gain some sort of sanity by realizing my life isn't normal, but thats normal...

This is where I wanna be locked up...


Way too many to list.... Pop, punk, pop-punk, ska, rock, hip-hop, whatever...


Pretty much everything...


I like it a lot....


Reading is for smart people....


Superman, Batman, Spiderman.... you get the idea. My dad could beat them all up though...