My Sunshine. Fast way cool cars , Art , great buildings (Italian made )Creating an empire for all who is good to enjoy.Beautiful things Beautiful people .I love to make money ,, lots of it ,,,,,, .. width="425" height="350" ..
I would like to meet all the people on my shit list . Place them all in a room and close the door . I would like to meet all the people living life with out a clue.I would like to also meet people who can teach me to make more money , blue man
I find all music to be great . Especially The joe dance
Myspace Codes:
Heat , Gone in 60 seconds , The dirty dozen , Frog horn leg horn meats wild e coyote.Shame of the jungle
The unit , History chanel, MTV if they would actually play music videos the Unit , , Sopranos ,
Clan of the cave bear,
My mom ......