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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Christian MySpace GraphicsI AM RUNNING FOR MY LIFE AND NOT LOOKING BACK!!!"The unquestioned life is not worth living..." Socrates. "Cogito ergo sum - I think... therefore I am..." Descarte.I am Christian young lady who is on fire for God and loving Jesus everyday with no compromise. I'm pretty straight forward as long as you don't come to me side ways?? I mean God all the way, it's heaven or hell... your choice? However,I enjoy my friends and family. I love company and to show myself hospitable. I just like to have good clean fun. You only have one life, live it to the fullest of your hopes , expectations and dreams. Do it like no one is watching!!

myspace layoutshref=" tbXktcHJvZmlsZS5jb20vbGF5b3V0cy9kZXRhaWxzLnBocD9zaXRlPW15c3B hY2UmY2F0PTYmY25hbWU9VGltZSt0bytkYW5jZSZsaWQ9MTEzNjI0"Time to dance

My Interests

Christian MySpace GraphicsDancing, cooking, eating, reading, staying active, movies, sporting events, shopping, hair styling and make up,fashion, bowling, peach cobbler and red velvet cake...yum,christian rock concerts, computers, law, philosophy,playing instruments and the violin(again),poetry, I would like to leard how to play chess one day, and golf... yes black people do play golf?

I'd like to meet:

Trend setters of their own day and time. Judith Jamison,The first black ballerina... although I am a little to late for that, I would have liked to have met Alvin Ailey, Martha Graham and Bob Fosse and some other people that I can't think of?
Christian MySpace Graphics


Gospel Music, Jazz, Classical, Phil Collins (off the Tarzan movie), Walter Hawkins, Mary Mary, etc.


Lord of the Rings (all three), The Passion of the Christ, Luther, The Chronicles of Narnia, Zoolander, The Last Samurai, Supreman, X-men, Madea's Family Reunion, Diary of a Mad black Woman, Underworld 1 & 2, Star Wars,.Drum Line etc.


So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With The Stars, HEROES!!!, House, That 70's show, Gray's Anatomy, America's Next Top Model, Oprah (sometimes). Sports (sometimes), educational stuff and all that other hooplah


The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity, Socrates, John Locke, Teach me How to Love You, Matters of the Heart, Benny Hinn, Theological Literature, Philosophical and Christian Manuscripts


Jesus!!!... He was a Revolutionary

My Blog

How Healthy Is your Heart?

Your chances of suffering an early heart attack or stroke depend on a variety of factors, many of which are under your control. The best time to identify your risk factors and change your behavior to ...
Posted by Vawn on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:08:00 PST