Graduated high school BARELY due to bordom. Got my AA w/honors , so I was able to get into University of Florida to finish my BS degree. Went on to law school, but didn't get to do my last year due to surgery. I really want to go back.Favorite things: full moons; Idgee Threadgood; Melissa Etheridge; lobster; Jodie Foster; school (weird I know); the law; board games; any book; sailing; fondue; mountains; logic puzzles; four seasons; hiking.One of those questionnaires about me...
Birthday: May 31 1965 - Birthplace: Astoria, NY - Current Location: Texas - Eye Color: blue - Hair Color: blonde highlights - Height: 5' 5 1/2" - Right Handed or Left Handed: right - Your Heritage: Castillian, Italian, German, Irish - The Shoes You Wore Today: sneaks - Your Weakness: Tallness - Your Fears: Death - Your Perfect Pizza: NY style cheese only - Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: settle somewhere - Your Most Overused Phrase On an Instant Messenger: chickie - Thoughts First Waking Up: where do I have to be? - Your Best Physical Feature: eyes - Your Bedtime: late - Your Most Missed Memory: mom ragging on me -
Cool Slideshows!Pepsi or Coke: pepsi… duh! - MacDonalds or Burger King: Micky D’s fried… BK’s whopper jr. - Single or Group Dates: single - Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton - Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate - Cappuccino or Coffee: neither…hot chocolate - Do you Smoke: absolutely not! - Do you Swear: fuck yeah - Do you Sing: very badly - Do you Shower Daily: of course - Have you Been in Love: yes - Do you want to go to College: already gone… wanna go back - Do you want to get Married: possibly - Do you believe in yourself: all the way - Do you get Motion Sickness: rarely - Do you think you are Attractive: you tell me - Are you a Health Freak: always striving to be healthier - Do you get along with your Parents: they're dead -Do you like Thunderstorms: one of my favorites - Do you play an Instrument: I did – the clarinet…till i had jaw surgery - In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: a little - In the past month have you Smoked: no - In the past month have you been on Drugs: no, don’t do them at all - In the past month have you gone on a Date: no - In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes - In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no! - In the past month have you eaten Sushi: funny you should ask… had it for the first time - In the past month have you been on Stage: no - In the past month have you been Dumped: no - In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: I wish - In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no - Ever been called a Tease: Yes! - Ever been Beaten up: No - How do you want to Die: unknowingly - What do you want to be when you Grow Up: lawyer - What country would you most like to Visit: Greece - Favorite Eye Color: doesn't matter - Favorite Hair Color: I tend to end up with brunettes...but open to anything - Short or Long Hair: Either - Best Clothing Style: trendy - Number of Drugs I have taken: never tried anything - Number of CDs I own: 300+ - Number of Piercings: 2 - Number of Tattoos: 0 - Number of things in my Past I Regret: I am who I am… no regrets!
She has the power to take my breath away with a single touch. She's strong and confident. She's a sweetheart of a person. She wants to find true love, but is willing to wait for it to find her. She didn't force it. She's can be tall, athletic and adventurous.She's outgoing, but doesn't have to be doing something all the time. She's affectionate and loving. She's not clingy and she DOESN'T mind when I talk to other women. She understands that I am a natural flirt, and that it's an energy, not outright flirting.I want a woman who was comfortable being gay. I am not her first love, but I am her last.She's willing to communicate and and not hold things inside. She loves me intensely and passionately. She is attracted to me on all levels... physically, sexually, intellectually, emotionally.She's my best friend, my lover, my family, and my soulmate. She is able to touch my soul as no one has before, and allows me to touch hers. She feels protective of me and gives me a sense of belonging. This is so important to me since my mother has died. The words "I love you" don't HAVE to be spoken.. it's just known and felt between us.
Cool Slideshows
Aerosmith; Alex Parks; Annie Lennox; Coldplay; Dave Matthews Band; Michael Buble; Indigo Girls; James Blunt; Jasmin Tabatabai; Joan Jett; Keith Urban; Kenny Chesney; Mazzy Star; Melissa Etheridge; Michelle Malone; My Chemical Romance; Rod Stewart; Sheryl Crow; Sophie B. Hawkins; The Doors; Ellis
Jodie Foster; Nicole Kidman; Kate Winslet; Meryl Streep; Sandra Bullock; Gwyneth Paltrow; Mariel Hemingway; Kate Winslet; Renee Zelwiger; Kristy McNicholRobert De Niro; Al Pacino; Robert Redford; Paul Newman; Jack Nicholson; Anthony Hopkins; Harrison Ford; Joaquin Phoenix; Brad Pitt; Matt Damon; George Cooney; River Phoenix; Mark Wahlberg; Owen Wilson; Emile Hersch; Ryan Gosling; Tom Hanks; Leonardo DiCaprio; Johnny Depp; Tom Cruise; Jim Carrey; Billy Crudup; Mel Gibson;A History of Violence; A Home at the End of the World; Age of Innocence; All Over Me; Amélie; Babel; Bandits (the german movie... NOT the one with Billy Bob Thornton!!); Bed of Roses; Bound; Boys Don't Cry; Boys on the Side; Braveheart; Brokeback Mountain; Cars; Cast Away; Chocolat; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon; Desert Hearts; Entre Nous; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Excess Baggage; Fargo; Forrest Gump; Foxfire; Fresh Horses; Fried Green Tomatoes; Good Will Hunting; Gladiator; Groundhog Day; Half Nelson; Heat; Hedwig and the Angry Inch; High Art; Innocence (awesome flick!) JFK; Legends of the Fall; Losing Chase; Million Dollar Baby; Momento; My Own Private Idaho; Mystic River; Officer and a Gentleman; Out of Africa; Platoon; Rudy; Saving Private Ryan; Schindler's List; Serendipity; sex, lies and videotape; Shawshank Redemption; The Color Purple; The Crossing Guard; The Departed; The Ghost and Mrs. Muir; The Notebook; The Others; The Pursuit of Happyness; The Sixth Sense; The Ususal Suspects; Thelma and Louise; Tootsie; Torch Song Trilogy; Traffic; Urban Cowboy; Walk the Line; White Palace; Wedding Crashers.
Ellen! (she makes me laugh out loud); Lost; Law & Order SVU; CSI; Queer As Folk; Big Love; The L Word
Dominick Dunne; John Grisham; Dennis Lehane; Jon Krakauer; law books from school; Five People You Meet In Heaven; Into the Wild; Into Thin Air; A Million Little Pieces
Melissa Etheridge for all she's come thru with class.the passengers on United Flight 93.
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