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Matty G

there is no pain in death it only hurts to die

About Me

"IT's really the blues", by mezz really can sum up of the insanity that i find absolutely amazing about life. I was once deemed the poet warlord by my friend Mike Dinkel while i was living in Lawrence, KS. With a tight stocking cap and a loaded tobacco pipe, there was the urge to be involved in all the dark lights of the night, the hums of street lamps and the taste of thighs, sighs, electic eyes and whiskey veined compositions... manically writing notes of deceased poets who became imaginary friends on tipsy strolls, loud jazz hums with the clicking of the tongue, and the crack of a snapped finger...."live your life out. NO. love your life out...!!" is a Kerouac quote that i have been heard to repeat again and again and again. I am a native Kansan, a midwest boy that had a large library, a stack of records and journals next to my type writer, drove a 1970 chevy truck that could be fixed with ease, and woke the entire county when started, wore dark glasses to feel the lonely songs of roy orbison or the soul of otis redding...smoked camels daily until the recent trend of american spirits..a vain attempt at saving a body infected by elated self destruction... fell prey to every desire written in the good book, and fell prey to the majority of insecurities diagnosed by modern psychologists...and still, under the sunsets of grace have managed to make it this far in my life -Understanding the america whitman experienced i enjoy napping in the lawns of parks, walking alone at midnight, engaging a lurid conversation with those that roam the streets and only charge the price of a cigarette...making love in the rain, or dancing in the vacant streets of a blizzard, or finding the one person that for the moment empathy consumes us says "desolation, desolation, how can i repay thee..."damned as a romantic i have been a wonderful lover and a lover of treacherous ferocity...damned by a religious upbringing i have encountered the many rivers of faith and belief and still enjoy the rapids.damned by drink and by obsession with pleasure - i have been liberated and enslaved by passion...i would not ultimatley be able to tell you about me. what is seen is what is different than my personal perception...and i have the balls to admit that .. when most of the world likes to think they truly understand the origin of themselves.... to claim their concrete position in this linear existence they believe to conquer...i fly in congruence with the storm, birthed by the incessant attitudes and energies.

My Interests

love to fucking read. humans are stoopid. modern man is a mistake. so reading is good for the soul. and with reading is thinking. i still have some crazy interest in philosophical studies. that's an interest. the rest is shit about food and people - things i do that you could connect to....... i like fucking...ode to Frank - (Dennis Hopper) from the movie "Blue Velvet" i likr wine and admiring those who have uncontrolled passion with their tongues and their eyes, and their hands as they dance upon each other. Music that relates the conditions of mankind - is true poetry to me. chatting with me will give you an indication of my interests...

I'd like to meet:

kerouac, ginsberg, timothy leary, ken kesey, neal cassaddy, and a room full of very buxom russ myer vixens...while i am tripping on pleasurable narcotics....or perhaps i would go out whoring with old chinaski on a hot summer night...... if your interesting .... i will most likely run into you at some point in the history of i am not too worried about who i would like to meet.... i want to meet you all......
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I love music...there is no question. i started off at an early age listening to primarily fifties rock, which in turn got me into rock-a-billy, and i listened to a lot of classical growing up as well...i will skip the years of forced christian rock from midwest parents..and tell you that i enjoy everything...i swing to the likes of buck owens, thelonius monk, tool, gene vincent and the blue caps, the mountain goats, the dead boys, the dead kennedys, jonny cash, george strait, ted leo, death cab for cutie, quicksand, jets to brazil, ryan adams, nofx and face to face, pennywise, pearl jam, artic monkeys, murs, atmosphere, chicago, john cougar mellancamp, the cramps, sleepy labeef, interpol, frank blank and the pixies of course assholes, vivaldi and handel, aphex twin or the outkast...what ever.....figure music is the spoon that stirs the soul i like a lot of different things...cept...the barenaked ladies...can't stand that shit.


my brother and closet friend is the movie snob. so anything i would say would be his voice or a complete defiance of it. i give most anything a try...however i will say that snakes on a plane is recently one of my favorite films....besides american psycho...come on...killing some one to huey lewis and the news is a fucking dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


kill your television...unless you are watching that is damn good programming....and of course cathouse on HBO....cuz we all have dreams..........also i have come to enjoy weeds on showtime.


So many...this will take time to complete! a list like herman hesse might befall upon your hungry pupils.....know it is full of every poetic sentiment, theological question, torturous human tragedy, hunter s. thompson, or philosophical bowel movement....


My grandmother and my brother and my sister - the only ones who understand anything about me, TOM PETTY is a god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is all that needs to be said about that. Porn stars....there is a level of deep respect that i have for what they do...not on a level of perversion, but on a level of being....perhaps i will elaborate later.....

My Blog

Check out this video: Raoul Duke quote

Check out this video: Raoul Duke quote Add to My Profile | More Videosif only there was a pack of camels and a 70 chevy...........
Posted by Matty G on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 10:22:00 PST

Check out this video: Theory and no action

Check out this video: Theory and no action Add to My Profile | More VideosI don't have a lot of free time to myself these days. Yet, while on the train, i am taking time to breathe differe...
Posted by Matty G on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 12:43:00 PST

Check out this video: Waking Life

Check out this video: Waking Life Add to My Profile | More VideosThis is one of my all time favorite questions. one that i have had to ask myself. one that we should all ask ourselves....t...
Posted by Matty G on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:56:00 PST

Check out this video: Waking Life-Go With The Flow

Check out this video: Waking Life-Go With The Flow Add to My Profile | More VideosYeh. i am pretty sure that is me in about eight years if i get dumped by virginia....i will be driving a g...
Posted by Matty G on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:50:00 PST

Check out this video: we are the authors...

Check out this video: we are the authors... Add to My Profile | More Videosthere have been two different worlds within my life for nine years. the world full of drunken seconds and the oth...
Posted by Matty G on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:32:00 PST

Check out this video: Alex Jones - Waking Life Rant Clip

Check out this video: Alex Jones - Waking Life Rant Clip Add to My Profile | More VideosDo we even really know what it is to be human anymore....can we really stand up and change the thing...
Posted by Matty G on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:26:00 PST

Check out this video: Self Distructive Man

Check out this video: Self Distructive Man Add to My Profile | More VideosPerhaps we should litter the streets of hundreds and hundreds of self torched corpses..........even better ..... ...
Posted by Matty G on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:13:00 PST

something fairly, something ...oh shit i dunno, balls, and ass, and teeth like sand and streets

and...the flies were a'buzz'n this morn against the mattress and the bared hairy legs with one scratched scar on the left leg when she called and made the morning all right. cuz, love does that , when...
Posted by Matty G on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:16:00 PST

take a train to whatever assholes

in the state of confusion and mild exhaustion - extreme physical pain - that can only be treated by ingesting sickly seductive cups of caffine, or sipping silient sounds (alone) of tequila (alone) - a...
Posted by Matty G on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:36:00 PST

in georgia, drinking an amstel light, sitting on my primate nuts

greeeeeetings and major polka! before you read this blog - i would ask you to do several things,,,,,,, drink about a 40oz of vicks 44 or robitussin, if you would like you can do so after killing a 12 ...
Posted by Matty G on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 12:44:00 PST