love to fucking read. humans are stoopid. modern man is a mistake. so reading is good for the soul. and with reading is thinking. i still have some crazy interest in philosophical studies. that's an interest. the rest is shit about food and people - things i do that you could connect to....... i like fucking...ode to Frank - (Dennis Hopper) from the movie "Blue Velvet" i likr wine and admiring those who have uncontrolled passion with their tongues and their eyes, and their hands as they dance upon each other. Music that relates the conditions of mankind - is true poetry to me. chatting with me will give you an indication of my interests...
kerouac, ginsberg, timothy leary, ken kesey, neal cassaddy, and a room full of very buxom russ myer vixens...while i am tripping on pleasurable narcotics....or perhaps i would go out whoring with old chinaski on a hot summer night......
if your interesting .... i will most likely run into you at some point in the history of i am not too worried about who i would like to meet.... i want to meet you all......
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I love music...there is no question. i started off at an early age listening to primarily fifties rock, which in turn got me into rock-a-billy, and i listened to a lot of classical growing up as well...i will skip the years of forced christian rock from midwest parents..and tell you that i enjoy everything...i swing to the likes of buck owens, thelonius monk, tool, gene vincent and the blue caps, the mountain goats, the dead boys, the dead kennedys, jonny cash, george strait, ted leo, death cab for cutie, quicksand, jets to brazil, ryan adams, nofx and face to face, pennywise, pearl jam, artic monkeys, murs, atmosphere, chicago, john cougar mellancamp, the cramps, sleepy labeef, interpol, frank blank and the pixies of course assholes, vivaldi and handel, aphex twin or the outkast...what ever.....figure music is the spoon that stirs the soul i like a lot of different things...cept...the barenaked ladies...can't stand that shit.
my brother and closet friend is the movie snob. so anything i would say would be his voice or a complete defiance of it. i give most anything a try...however i will say that snakes on a plane is recently one of my favorite films....besides american psycho...come on...killing some one to huey lewis and the news is a fucking dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kill your television...unless you are watching that is damn good programming....and of course cathouse on HBO....cuz we all have dreams..........also i have come to enjoy weeds on showtime.
So many...this will take time to complete! a list like herman hesse might befall upon your hungry pupils.....know it is full of every poetic sentiment, theological question, torturous human tragedy, hunter s. thompson, or philosophical bowel movement....
My grandmother and my brother and my sister - the only ones who understand anything about me, TOM PETTY is a god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is all that needs to be said about that. Porn stars....there is a level of deep respect that i have for what they do...not on a level of perversion, but on a level of being....perhaps i will elaborate later.....