Needed to re-write this.... well, in to writing music, playing g-tar, playing keys, singing (would love to say dancing, but if you saw me dance you would probably want to shoot me) food, listenin to music, filmmaking, radio programe makin (doesn't sound as good :( ) chillin, playin games, drinking new drinks, mixing new drinks, tryin not to screw up me degree, being on the radio!
I get to meet them everyday ;-)
Well, at the moment, i'm listening to an Alien Antfarm CD i just found in the attic, it isn't too bad actually!
But I like anything really, been through so many phases of being really narrow minded with types of music, and suddenly realised that theres nothing stopping me liking many things at the same time! Totally have a chip on my shoulder about people liking only one type of music. Its like ice-cream, if you don't taste the different flavours, you never know what type you like!
So, does this answer ur question? probably not, well i'll tell you what i've been listening to recently.
Crowded house - Wood face,
Vanessa Carlton
Goo Goo Dolls
The Killers - Hot Fuss,
The Futureheads (Cheers bex;)) - The Futureheads,
Third Eye Blind - Blue,
Mike Oldfield - Tres Lunas,
Euphoria - Mixed by Matt Darey and Adam White,
Counting Crows - Hard Candy,
Michelle Branch - Hotel Paper and Spirit Room
Daniel Beddingfield - Second First Impressions.
Tree 63 - Overflow, 63, The life and Times of Absaloute Truth.
Switchfoot - Beautiful Letdown
Delirious - Mezzamorphis
Delirious and Hillsongs - Whatever that album is called!
Jeff Buckley
System of a Down,
Taylor Sorenson
Secret Machines
Frou Frou
Imogen Heap
3 Doors Down
Hope that gives u an idea!
These guys are good too:Can find them on:
ooOOOoooo, this is a hard one! I like so many. I life films which has a "whoa" factor and may look more visually stunning rather than an in depth narrative, although that is appealing too! Love the Matrix trilogy, totally manipulates perceptions and takes you out the box as the audience and gets you right in the action. Other films i've watched recently... Hero - REally good, looks great, one to get totally immersed in! Man on Fire - The cinematography is amazing, really had closure, thought it was great. I love chinese and japanese inspired films. Admitantly, i've only watched the Hollywood versioin of the ring, but its amazing whatcha can do by making the audience feel they're at risk from the film itself!! The best films are the ones which take away the glass between you and the movie!
Its very much I watch whatevers on, although highlights recently and whats to come.. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel - Kick ass comedy action! Supervolcano - Really is gonna happen.... Smallville The OC (i think that just saved my geekness form being known) Hollyoaks (D'oh!)
Harry Potter when a new ones out usually! 1984 by George Owell which really does send a shiver up me spine at how close to the truth of today it really is! Air - Louie Gigglio and a book about self-esteem which i have no idea who the author is :s Yes Man - Danny Wallace Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams The Brief History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson
The only one whos saved me!