♥Emily Charlotte♥ profile picture

♥Emily Charlotte♥

Those were the best days of my life!

About Me

Miss Emily's Fave things!
I'm happiest when I'm watching telly with Mr Byalie, eating Posh Fish Chips!!!!Going to The Railway when everyones there!
Going to one of Damien's grand house paties, going to cinema with friends like James,Stef and Baylie. Chatting to Rachel and film nights with Nathatlie.
My Fave people! My Ladies and My Man

Visting my Dad. Bumping in to friends randomley like Charlotte at train station.
Spending Sunday in bed tucked up warm. Night out with Heather and the girls from work. Playing board games with The Butler family and our family reunions. Wearing flip flops in the summer!!!Singing along to Queen as loud as we can with my Dad when we had road trips to devon.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Friends So I can keep in touch with my friends!

You just call out my name,and you know where ever I am I’ll come running, to see you again!Winter,spring,summer or fall, All you have 2do is call And I’ll be there, yes I will. You’ve got a friend!


I like loads of different type of music. I love chessey music and of course you just cant beat Bryan Adams


I love films, all sorts of films.


I love watching American T.V show like The O.C, Buffy the vampire slayer and Sex and the city. I also love watching Spaced, Game on and The Secret life of us!


I enjoy reading Josie Lloyd and Emlyn Rees books


My family, especially my dad! x