dj"wHat?!" profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

to define is to confine. Let experience precede definition. PRESENTly: nAtuRaLLy AGGRESSiVE, cReATiVeLy DiSCONTEnT, dIscIpLINed:spONtaneously, LEARNinG/TEACHinG/REMEMBERinG, comfortABLE with SiLEnCE(when appropriate) & PLAYinG serIous, SelfHonest/with TuffLove, Focused & Purposeful, Prosperity Conscious, a Builder & Lifter of Others, Whole IN I self, secure/INnerDirected, Responsible for own lessons, I seem to think I have a sense of humor, I have my quirks, I am "wHat?!" I am.. Enough about me...

My Interests

to change with change is to be in the changeless state. Change with progress... My only need is to own the truth of my identity with GOD. When this need is met, then all other needs are instantly met as a by-product of this state of consciousness. I'll tolerate the excesses and mistakes of others without objection, but never my own. I'll put up with my own humiliation and disgrace, but never those of others.

I'd like to meet:

manifestations of THE ONE inna healthy and happy way... Oh yeah! I already do... (Many friends are on myspace and on "my space", many friends are on myspace and not on "my space", many friends are not on myspace, many friends don't even own or access a computer, many "friends" are actual friends, many friends are just "friends", many "friends" are not friends, my peeps are my friends but not all my friends are my peeps, If you've crossed me don't come around me, but don't fear me cuz I'm a good person) GIVETHANKS&BLESS....


is= the fruit of life/a mission not a competition/healing and strength/ like a chef's knife/sometimes one of the only things that makes sense/dancehall roots rock reggae hiphop and soulful breaks/bookings=please contact Tiffany Deang @ [email protected]


CNN,BBC,FOX,ABC,NBC,CBS,all related. To hear is to wonder, to see is to believe, to feel is to know. We can be in it and not of it. Watch the Watchers...check the movies within movies about movies at the movies...


makes the mind lazy. Sometimes I watch, sometimes I'm lazy, go figure...


One can read books with written words but cannot understand books without writing. One can play the stringed lute but cannot play a lute without strings.Our use of things depends on concrete forms and not on the spirit of things. How then can we really enjoy the flavor of books and lutes?Having no desire for things is like the autumn sky and the expanse of sea. Sitting down with lute and books is like dwelling with the immortals.NOW is the book of life...


Learned persons must be clear of heart and transparent in purpose, and thus be in harmony with the heart of all things they touch.For keeping your essence whole, one more activity is not as suitable as one less activity, and having great talent can't compare with the complete authenticity of no talent at all.People know that name and position are enjoyable, they don't know that no-name and no-position are truly most enjoyable.