I am Danii. I live in Reading, not really a big fan of the place but a lot of people seem to love it. If I had my way I would pack my bags and move somewhere hot. I hate nothing more than being cold but I do love mittens. I work in Next but I want to go to college at some point to do beauty therapy, don't know if that will actually happen because I'm extremely unorganized and always leave things until the last minute. I never have money even when I have a job, I’m rubbish at saving. Paris Hilton, Johnny Knoxville, Jelly Tots & Jackass, I fancy them all to be honest. My family has a way of really getting on my nerves at times but I would definitely be lost without them. Everyone says this but I actually have the best bunch of friends and the best boyfriend. I like arm veins and blue eyes, he has them (: