trisha profile picture


i LoVe dEEpLY

About Me

iM a sweet person.... %D%A%D%Awho loves hanging out with friends...%D%A%D%Ai love taLking to people and having good coNveRsatiOn with them...%D%A%D%Ai love shopping!!!! %D%A%D%Ai loVE kiKAy stUfFS!!!%D%A%D%Ai LoVE cOFFeE!!!%D%A%D%Ai LovE bUtTeRfLIeS!!!!%D%A%D%AI'm the real thing type of a person dAt is sO dOwN 2 eArtH...%D%A%D%AI don't like pretentious people...%D%A%D%ASpecially thOse wHo Lie to yOu just to gEt your attention...Those are dumb people....%D%A%D%AI'm very sensitive....=( %D%A%D%AI'm a good listener to the people who are close to me... %D%A%D%AI'm very God fearing...%D%A%D%AI forgive easily but i never forget....%D%A%D%AIf you hurt me that's ok because you are not my lost.... %D%A%D%AI don't get mad, I get even...eventually,when you least expect it. hahaha!!! beware! :)%D%A%D%Anobody is worth my tears except for my family, mY fRenDS nD mY dADA... %D%A%D%AI'm not just beauty, I have the brains...%D%A%D%AThat's why i don't like people who bore me. %D%A%D%AI like someone who can make smart conversation and can make me laugh....%D%A%D%AI am very understanding. %D%A%D%AI am not judgemental.%D%A%D%AI believe that everything happens for a reason, there is a purpose. %D%A%D%AThat's why i feel sorry for people who think they are better than the others...thOse are losers. %D%A%D%AI'm fun to be with...%D%A%Dancing is one of my talent.... :)%D%A%D%ALaStLY, " i LOVE dEEPLY "
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My Interests

...i Like tO siNG!!! ( kahit tryinh hArd)...i Love dAncinG sO muCH!!...i Love kiKAy sTufFs!!!...i Love sHopiN'!!!...i LOve nYt liFES!!!...i Love bEin wid mY frEndS!!!...nD mOSt eSPeciAlly!!...i LovE mY fAMiLY aNd mY bEbE!!

I'd like to meet:

sUm1 hU cAn mAke mE sMiLE... ;)


aLL kiNDs oF musiqeu!!!!bUt nOt da hArd cOre tYpe!!!!


...saSSy gUrL..mEAn gURL...wiNDstRuCK...nOtebuK..50 1st dAtes...shrEk..jUst likE hEAvEn...fREaKy fRidAy...ciNDerELLA hER sHOES..kiLL biLL...coNSTAntiNE...jUSt mY LuCK...


hOUSe...gRey's aNAtOmy...eTc...aMbUsh-mAkeOver...reALity tV..fEAr fActOR..mYX..diSnEY cHAnNeL..


siDnEy shEldOn.....


my D A D A

My Blog


hEre i Am...stiLL aLone...iM tOtaLly jUz tiRed oF eVerthiNg...i dUno wHY??? bUT iM tOtaLLy cOnfUSed oF sUMthiNG!!! i cNT hELP bUT cRY!!!! i hOPE diS wNt tKe tOO LoNG!!! :(...
Posted by trisha on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 12:52:00 PST