iM a sweet person.... %D%A%D%Awho loves hanging out with friends...%D%A%D%Ai love taLking to people and having good coNveRsatiOn with them...%D%A%D%Ai love shopping!!!! %D%A%D%Ai loVE kiKAy stUfFS!!!%D%A%D%Ai LoVE cOFFeE!!!%D%A%D%Ai LovE bUtTeRfLIeS!!!!%D%A%D%AI'm the real thing type of a person dAt is sO dOwN 2 eArtH...%D%A%D%AI don't like pretentious people...%D%A%D%ASpecially thOse wHo Lie to yOu just to gEt your attention...Those are dumb people....%D%A%D%AI'm very sensitive....=( %D%A%D%AI'm a good listener to the people who are close to me... %D%A%D%AI'm very God fearing...%D%A%D%AI forgive easily but i never forget....%D%A%D%AIf you hurt me that's ok because you are not my lost.... %D%A%D%AI don't get mad, I get even...eventually,when you least expect it. hahaha!!! beware! :)%D%A%D%Anobody is worth my tears except for my family, mY fRenDS nD mY dADA... %D%A%D%AI'm not just beauty, I have the brains...%D%A%D%AThat's why i don't like people who bore me. %D%A%D%AI like someone who can make smart conversation and can make me laugh....%D%A%D%AI am very understanding. %D%A%D%AI am not judgemental.%D%A%D%AI believe that everything happens for a reason, there is a purpose. %D%A%D%AThat's why i feel sorry for people who think they are better than the others...thOse are losers. %D%A%D%AI'm fun to be with...%D%A%Dancing is one of my talent.... :)%D%A%D%ALaStLY, " i LOVE dEEPLY "
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