Blank Redge profile picture

Blank Redge

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Communist ideals, grugdingly practicing capitalist. Inheritor of the literary and cultural tradition of Angry Young Men. Avant-guardian with an eye for progress. I am the educated Proletariat, I am the common man, and I am one of karma's enforcers.

I aspire to be Nietzsche's übermensch, I aspire to be the Confucian Gentleman, I aspire to be Sun Tzu's General. Most importantly, I aspire to be simple and direct, in both speech and action.

I want to do my small part to make this a better world for my daughter, the woman I love, and those close to me.

I want to see a better society built, and I'm starting with me.

My Interests

Industrial and electronic music, old school punk, boots (Oi oi oi!), art in its many and varied expressions, philosophical reading, theological discussion, learning about different cultures, cyberpunk (both the literary genre and sub-culture), kendo, kenjutsu, the study of sword and armed combat, martial arts (theory and application), indie flicks, good anime, manga, video games; typical interests for the outgoing post-coffeshop ex-clubbing former scene-ster. =p

I'd like to meet:

People who strive to grow and change as individuals. People who surround themselves with wise counsel. People who search for the deeper truths. People who seek to understand themselves better, that they may understand the world around them. Oh, and anyone who thinks they have skill with a sword. (No joke. Consider this an open invitation to spar. Get some!)

Noscitur e sociis.
Latin: a man is known by the company he keeps


! Bands !
Join this group:
Subculture Music Exchange

To all bands: do not ask me to add you as a friend; I will not add you unless I know you personally (and then, only maybe.)


Check this:
The Hunger
(and make sure to check the other tabs on that page)

Rogue Guerrilla Artists: Familiar Stone Productions

Feed your head!

Don't be a baka gaijin:
Hanzi Smatter

Random link o' the moment!
Ooooh! Mystery link...

A friend's band; old-school Goth style:
Demonika and the Darklings

One of the local Industrial bands; female vocals:
Spanking Machine

Not as local an Industrial band, but good nonetheless:
Die Warzau

Some noise for you...

And, reppin' the Industrial scene:


Anti-Top 40, so it's a pretty broad palette... among many things, Industrial, brilliant EDM and electronic music, older goth, old-school sociopolitical punk, socially consciouss hip-hop and rap, dancehall, ska, jazz! blues, swing, big band, classical, opera, taiko, some metal (a lot of today's metal doesn't really speak to me; I'm just not that pissed off anymore), and the list goes on for a bit...


Blade Runner, director's cut; Akira, letterboxed and subtitled; anything by Kurosawa; Heavenly Creatures; Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (there's plenty of movies I like, but few I'd see fit to put in my collection; never made sense to me to have a collection of movies you'd only watch occasionally)




The Quran, Communist Manifesto, Book of Five Rings, The Analects, Art of War, Hagakure, Neuromancer (almost all of which are on my nightstand right this moment)


My parents, for busting their @$$es trying to provide for my sister and I, the "internment camp" suvivors of WWII, Mohandas Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Geronimo Pratt, Ernesto "Che" Guevarra (for the conviction of his beliefs, not his logistical planning,) Confucius, Miyamoto Mushashi; the list goes on and on.

Basically, I admire great men who have done great things, advancing science, art, philosophy, society, or military theory, or those who stand firm in the face of adversity.

My Blog

bad sales pitch

While driving in the car, there was a commercial on the radio for Hollywood Park; one of the local horse-racing tracks. Wasn't paying too much attention, but there was something in the pitch about dr...
Posted by Blank Redge on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 10:03:00 PST

The Ides of April

I don't know why I do it.Every year, I procrastinate until the last minute for doing my taxes.At least I'm not doing 'em *day of* this year; knocked 'em out last night.Still. Gonna have to fight thro...
Posted by Blank Redge on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:21:00 PST

So, how bout that weather?...

In other parts of the country, they're still dealing with blizzards and snow.Here, it peaked about 90° today.And it's only April. Sheesh. o_o
Posted by Blank Redge on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 05:04:00 PST

family dinner

I have this friend, K. Most of you who read this know her; some of you may not.Anyhoo.Before K and her siblings got all growed up and moved out of the house, one of the regular institutions was famil...
Posted by Blank Redge on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 08:04:00 PST

This just in, from the wtf press...

I went to use the facilities, but noticed that the toilet paper was gone. Fortunately, there were extra rolls on a rack nearby.Printed on the label of the roll:Facial Quality Bathroom Tissue...I&rsqu...
Posted by Blank Redge on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 01:10:00 PST

This just in, from the wtf press...

Took my car to the dealership to get work done on the trailing arm bushings.They gave me a coupon for automatic transmission service....I drive a stick. =|
Posted by Blank Redge on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 11:43:00 PST

If you work in an office, go outside today.

I'm on my lunch right now; went out to the car to get something, and saw that it's a beautiful day here in Southern Cal. So I went for a drive. It *really* is nice out today.If you work in an office...
Posted by Blank Redge on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:58:00 PST

Well, *that* was crappy...

Windows 2000 could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:C:..WINNIT..system32..config..SYSTEMcedSo, that was two hours out of my morning, fixing my work rig. =|The rig is up and r...
Posted by Blank Redge on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 08:13:00 PST

damn amused

You know you're a growed-up when:You have to schedule going to the club with your friends. =pFriday, March 7th. (Yes, March. As in next month.) Up fer it?
Posted by Blank Redge on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 10:24:00 PST

Gong hai fat choy, y’all!

Year of the Rat, for those keepin' tabs. ;)If you're readin' this, and have any kind of large Chinese community nearby, you should head on over this weekend. Should be a good time. =DI'm going to C...
Posted by Blank Redge on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 06:42:00 PST