Despite being all said above, I adore physical activites; paintballing, LaserQuest(Laser Tag), movies, and long romantic walks off a short pier. (Oh, and clearly being sarcastic is another interest.)
A large pile of clothing. All the stuff that's been lost between the cushions. The space inside the back of a TV that seems so empty. Whoever thought soft lights were a good idea. The first fly ever killed. The inane Asian man who started the trend of angsty dead girls wrecking mindless hormonal-driven revenge against the world. The Russian who learned anything could be made from potatos. A FauxFu Plant. The letter Y, and the color blue.
I listen to awful music, simply terrible!
The only movie I've ever watched is Casablanca. Needless to say, it made me never want to watch another.
The channel that films snow, it's always showing it! No commercial interruptions or anything, it's wonderful.
The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
My Mentor, Gerrixx of of course! ;)