WHAT IS ARMCHAIR FOOTBALL? Looking for a place to watch Boise State Football away games? Armchair Football provides a smoke and alcohol free environment where Bronco Fans can come together to cheer on our team while they are on the road.
ABOUT THE HOST OF THIS PAGE: I am just a laid back person that LOVES watching Bronco Football! I also love the Info Desk at the SUB, those folks rock. When we're are not dancing to the sweet sounds of University Pulse at the desk we put on fun events like Armchair Football where we show the away Bronco Football games on big screens in the Student Union Building at the Brava Stage in the Dining Area. It is a great event where anyone can come, grab a plate of free food and help us cheer on our team. GO BRONCOS! So if you would like to get in on this fun, come join us at the SUB.
Check out interviews, stories and fabulous things about Bronco Football at the ARBITER ONLINE !!!