828, bacon, writing and playing music, coffee, guitar hero, cartoons, going to shows...
Anyone who can actually bronze me when I die, not just throw my ashes into a bronze statue of me.
There are way too many to list, and I don't think I could pick any favorites. I may attempt that at a later date. So instead I will list any band that has played in my basement, those being: WhiteCollarMassacre, Red Orchestra Radio, Moriana, Called to Arms, Ctrl Alt Del, After Letting Go, The Infamous Brandy Alexander, Crimson Spectre, Drive By Desire, Die as One, The Demonstration, A Closing Skyline, With Faith or Flames, The Damascus Intervention (formerly The Black Acadia Mourning), Bloodjinn, KillWhitneyDead, Seneca, Boxbomb, Defending Brooklyn, Harper's Ferry, Harvard, The Youth Electronics, Kastlebomb, and Glass FREAKIN' Casket.
The Fifth Element, Anchorman, Napolean Dynamite, Office Space, 28 Days Later, Dawn of the Dead, Boondock Saints, Rejected, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Shaun of the Dead, The Princess Bride, Snatch, Alive or Barely Breathing, The Royal Tenenbaums, I Heart Huckabees, Stranger than Fiction, Borat, Dodgeball, Harry Potter movies, LOTR Trilogy, Team America, The Chronicles of Narnia, Super Troopers, The Kevin Smith Movies, Little Miss Sunshine, The 40-Year Old Virgin...etc.
family guy, adult swim, the simpsons, friends, invader zim, boy meets world, jeopardy, mythbusters, scrubs, the daily show, the colbert report, southpark...etc.
Either comic, children's, or text...I don't have time to read anything else unfortunately.