I make movies. That's what I love to do, and that's what my degree is in. Hopefully, someday, someone will pay me to do it. Trust me, worse decisions have been made in Hollywood.
Anyone interesting who lives near me (Fairview area, near PSU Altoona) and interesting people who live... other places. Seriously, there has turned out to be some great people living near me. One girl was living a few blocks from me for three and a half years, and I didn't discover her until her last week here... so yes, I like to know if there's anyone near me who's worth knowing.As far as famous people... Peter Jackson: the greatest director. George Lucas: shrewd auteur or megalomainacal control freak? Michael Keaton: he's from Pittsburgh, he played Batman, and he just seems like a fun guy.
It's easier to list what I don't like: most rap and most country. There are a few keepers from each of those genres, but most of it doesn't appeal to me. Everything else, I like. I know, I'm focusing on the negative rather than the positive, but... quit analyzing me.
I like lots of movies. Movies are my thing. My favorite entertainment, hobby and vocation. So, expect a lot of my blog to be about movies... sometimes it's like more of an entertainment column than a journal.
Ooh. Simpsons, Scrubs, Family Guy, LOST... um... reruns of Seinfeld, etc.
So many things out there worth reading... in no particular order: LOTR, Stephen King (The Shining, IT, Pet Cemetary), Thomas Harris' Hannibal Lecter trilogy, The Lovely Bones, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy... big fan of Shakespeare (whom I've met, in fact)... and I'm always finding more. Oh yeah, The Devil's Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce, is great. The Little Prince! Can't forget that. Jeez.
Anyone else on this site who doesn't care how many "friends" you can accumulate... you're my hero. Also Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg, for the obvious reasons.