c@t profile picture


tO bE gReaT iS tO bE miSuNdeRsTooD - RalpH waLdO eMerSoN

About Me

.affectionate.bold.charming.dedicated.enticing.feisty. .goofy.hardheaded.impalpable.jaunty.klutz.lazy.moody.notty. .offensive.passionate.quirky.relentless.shy.tactless. .unique.vicious.witty.xtremelysleepy.yummy.zany.
*cOmplEx yEt sImplE, bOssY yEt p@tiEnt, @nnoYinG yEt @doraBle, peSsiMisTiC yEt loY@l* these new pictures are specially for nora... you know who u are babe...
Which Beyonce song are you?

Me, Myself & I
You are very independent.. you never care about what others think....that kinda attitude kicks ass!

Loyal & generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games & interactions. Impatient & hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egoistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.

My Interests

ulTim@tely tr@velLinG wHeneVer tiMe peRmitS!

I'd like to meet:

liter@lly a kNiGhT iN a sHiNinG @rmouR! w@nn@ tRy mY liGht s@brE oN hIm *wiNk wInK*


sYstEM oF @ DoWn @nYtImE!!!tIs heRe iS mY @lL tImE f@v eiD mUsIC vId bY sItI nUrhAliZ@!!!& tiS hErE iS aN oLd-scHooL hC vID d@T i lIkE!!!..


hmm TAtz @lot tO liSt lOl...wEll jUst a fEw i c@n remeMber @s of tod@y thOugH... tHe dEviL we@rS pRaDa, X-Men 3, dOrm, ch@rlie'S @nGels, LOTR, f@st & furiouS, yoU gOt serVed, prIdE & pRejudicE, thE rIng, fenGshuI, ciTy oF GoD, Y@makAsi


mY wiFe & kiDs, @lias, cSi, ch@rmEd, frIeNds, whOse liNe iS iT, fReSh pRincE oF bEL @iR, bEwiTcheD


shOp@holiC by sOphIe kiNsell@- pr@cticaLlY mE!!! *blusH*


defiNitelY moMmY de@resT

My Blog

hello 2007!

wow, time flies too quickly! im a year older already... boo hoo hoo! why am i feeling anachronistic??? sigh... age is really catching up boy!!!anyways... the new year has been somewhat good...spent ti...
Posted by c@t on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 01:27:00 PST

le paris part iii...

got up a lil' earlier. packed my bag the night before. after shower, did final packing & left it at the frontdesk. took metro to the park where we redeemed our metro tix. sigh...should've che...
Posted by c@t on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 05:59:00 PST

le paris part ii...

next day, was supposed to get up early...but as usual im no morning person, i got up a lil later then early hehe... well had a nice breakfast at the hotel. & then we walked all the way t...
Posted by c@t on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 04:54:00 PST

le paris...

  we reached paris charles de gaulle airport in one piece. got our luggage & exited to a very small arrival area. i thought it would be a grand airport but no... it was plain looking. we chan...
Posted by c@t on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:32:00 PST

oh nooo!!!

i was supposed to take the 2036hrs train back to london...but u know what...i missed it just by 5 minutes due to the traffic jam on a friday night so in the end i had to purchase the next earlies...
Posted by c@t on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 05:19:00 PST

cold windy rainy

hey hey hey...been up & about here in newcastle upon tyne...i was supposed to return to london on wednesday the 6th...but decided to stay until today...friday the 9th...was out wit my mates...yest...
Posted by c@t on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 04:35:00 PST

party time!

hey folks...today i went to the famous millenium bridge. its a bridge where it tilts when a vessel passes thru. cool bridge. went to the baltic art gallery after that. my first art gallery. went up to...
Posted by c@t on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:53:00 PST

reds...here i am from the other side of the globe!!!

woohoo...anfield here i come!!! started out early today. got up at 7am. still feeling sleepy... i got ready & went to cheshire oaks while clive went for his meeting had pancakes at macdonalds...
Posted by c@t on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 04:31:00 PST

english rose...

hey peeps...im finally on my deserved BREAK. i have been working since nov 20th all the way till nov 27th consecutively!!! was in school till late... got home, final packing & off to airport....
Posted by c@t on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 06:34:00 PST

friday fever

oh gosh... i was a madwoman!!! in the morning, i had to bring my kids out for a road safety game. out of 7 kids, only 3 turned up, imagine that. they are really in the holiday mood! we went to suntec...
Posted by c@t on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 02:28:00 PST