I'd like to meet:
I would like to meet real people who know the Lord Jesus as their Personal Saviour or people who who desire to know Jesus. Iron sharpens Iron.To be accepted as a friend I have a few requirements:#1 Anyone who does not have a vaild picture will not be accepted as a friend.#2 Anyone who has set their page to private will not be accepted as a friend.#3 Anyone who has profanity, nudity, obscene language or anything offensive will be deleted or denied as a friend.
I love positive music and songs of zion no matter the genre. My favorite artists are my friends on myspace. My absolute favorite group is Victory in Praise.
Comedies, Love stories, action movies and biographies are my favorite types of movies. I love movies that stir your faith and give hope to the hopeless. A must see movie is "Facing the Giants."
I watch TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network), the Word Channel, CNN and TV Land, CSI Miami and Law and Order.
The Bible is the greatest book ever written. Another great book is titled "The Jesus I Never Knew" by Philip Yancey.
Jesus Christ is my hero, My Lord,Saviour and King. Thanks for giving your Life that I may have abundant life.My Husband Timothy is my other Hero. Thanks for loving me like Christ love the Church.My Pastors and Spiritual Parents (The World's Greatest Pastors), Bishop Henry R. Williams, D.D. and Co-Pastor Gwendolyn L. Williams, D.D. are my heroes. Thanks for being real, living a godly lifestyle and walking in all the friuts of the Spirit. It is an honor to be one of your spiritual daughters.