tattoos, art, painting, motorcycles, racing, friends and new things to do... you got to keep it new.
Any one into art and tattoos...I visit MN every month so if you like my work and would like to get a costume tattoo, please email me and ill be happy to work with you.
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from pink floyd to slayer if you have no idea what' in the Pink Floyd to Slayer range you absolutly nothing about music and somebody should take your cd player from you, you dont deserve it.
im really into old japanese movies (Akira Kurosaw, Toshiro Mifuni) kinda thing.I really like war movies cos ima history freak but my favorites are the Name of the Rose, Shindlers List, Savig private Ryan, Platoon, Brave Heart, Troy, enemy at the Gates, The Pianist, Predator, Aliens, Pink Floyd The Wall, Gladiator,Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon, and some jap animation like Akira, Ghost in the Shell and Ninja Scroll.
The art of war, A book of five rings, The Da Vinci code, The Richiest man in Babylon, The alchimist, The Wizard's diary, Red Dragon, Ion the isness of now, Operation Trojan horse, Major Writhings of Nitchiren Daishonin, art books of all kinds, history and WWII.