Emirii profile picture


more is never enough

About Me

insomniac workaholic with an insane life, amazing friends & family, a major penchant for traveling, partying all day and night, occasionally sleeping, getting rocked off my head, flirting unsuccessfully, attempting crazy whirlwind love affairs, trying to save money, and best of all NOW the happiest preschool teacher in all of Japan!Hot Premade Layouts - Music Bands - Animals - Movies I edited my profile at HotPremadeLayouts.com . check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

ideal vacay scenario: watch an early AM sunrise with a slight breeze in my hair & not too hot or bright yet sunny, chilling & lounging around with friends on soft cushions & carpet-covered benches on the flat silent hotel roof or next to the beach, listened to breaking waves, smoking loads o' hash and/or shisha (preferably strawberry, mint, or apple flavored) & sipping hot mint tea with dumptruck loads of sugar OR the hot Chai from Nirvana (best in the fucking world!!!!!!!). OR if I am stuck in the real world and god forbid at work, then just looking busy if only to salvage my job by attempting then abandoning crossword puzzles, RE-re-reading my fav. books, then sneaking off to the kitchen to eat strawberries with cold milk. Then call it a day and get the hell out the building. Walk around in a daze and take photos with my many cameras, or find the time to ride my bike all over Osaka kind of drunk like an idiot. If I'm hung-over or a need a nice detox, then head over to my favorite ghetto sento and bathe for a few hours and/or relaxing at the stone spa (i enjoy sleeping on hot marble floors). Anytime i get insomnia or am bored or have free time, then chill at my friends apartments (occasionally mine too) and play games with random and not-so-random peeps in the wee AM hours before work when I should be sleeping (Checkers, Uno, Jeopardy, Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly, etc.), or I happily play whilst losing my money at Poker. I am known to working my ass off night and day, but try to keep it interesting by making the Japanese laugh by speaking Osaka-ben. I prefer to live dangerously by racing very fast vehicles through psychotic traffic conditions anytime I travel abroad (tuk-tuks, taxis, mopeds, bicycles, mini-vans, buses, etc.), and the KEY to fun, amazingly randomly great travel experiences is: no expectations, no map, no plan, no linguistic skills (yes, no and Toilet are enough), no phone, no hang-ups, no watch, no datebook, no timeline, NO PROBLEM!!!!! And OF COURSE one of my lucky talents and hobbies, participating in or initiating any other random illegal acts and things that strike my fancy (including but not limited to the use of intoxicants, fireworks, alcohol, theft, making public mischief, and overall general wreaking of general sin, havoc, and debauchery)!!!!!!!
Free Myspace Drawing Pad at WishAFriend.com ..

I'd like to meet:

funny people, cool people, people who act sillilly (yes, it's really a word), drunk people, insane people, dark people, smart people, people people, living room people, bedroom people (I'm a bit of both), and OF COURSE my back-in-the-day friends in NY, NJ, and Europe. And of course, Elly my love so sweet! (that damn anthem)


i love many many many MANY kinds of music and bands... I last saw DJ Darren Emerson and my friend Dane Kane. The concerts coming up are "Little Barrie" on the 6th, "Ben Kweller" on the 16th, then "Summersonic 2007" on August 12th & 13th (i think?)!!! I recently re-heard some "oldies but goodies" music: Dido, Norah Jones, Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Coldplay, and Sinead O'Connor.


I don't really watch them anymore. Love 'em, but every time they come on i fall asleep.


there's one in my living room but I don't watch it. but occasionally I watch "House" on my friend's TV downstairs.


SOOO many i love. last re-re-read A Scanner Darkly, The Bell Jar, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Naked Lunch, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainence (did i spell that incorrectly?). Now re-reading "Within the Context of No Context" (a great little reader, a series of short essays on the silliness and inanity of modern culture in America)


You Will Die at Age 58
Not bad, considering your super wild lifestyle
Want to live longer? Try losing a few bad habits. What Age Will You Die?
Your Personality Is Like Acid
A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.
One moment you're in your own little happy universe...
And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
You Are Reverse Pocky
Your attitude: rebellious and clever Non-conformist, but curiously a trendsetter With you, up is down... and it's a wild ride! What Flavor Pocky Are You?
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Golden Delicious What's Your Porn Star Name?

My Blog

a long, troubling day...

been busy trying to keep up my energy with working at the preschool and hostessing. well, it's a routine i will just get used to. last weekend went on a date with this guy i met from M's sayonara, i...
Posted by Emirii on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 11:08:00 PST

quiz time

Q. What is your salad dressing of choice?A: balsamic vinagretteQ. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?A. ewwwwwwwww. maybe Mosburger if i am super drunk?Q. What is your favorite sit-down resta...
Posted by Emirii on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 07:55:00 PST

today i spring cleaned and got my shit together

singapore was fucking great. super clean, cosmopolitan, great shopping, everyone speaksl iek 5 languages. i went to the water park and shopped in little india and got drunk at the ministry of sound ...
Posted by Emirii on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 07:39:00 PST

update on summersonic 2007 (fucking work)

dammnit i have some fucking work gig/day camp with the preschool that i can't get out of on saturday, aug. 11 so i can't attend that day of the festival but depending on the schedule, i hope to see &a...
Posted by Emirii on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 07:08:00 PST

observations of egypt: part 1

Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt, Red Sea, Sinai Desert, Dahab: all of these places are teeming with different kinds of life all swirled together in a cacophony of wondrous sights and stimulating sounds, smells,...
Posted by Emirii on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 05:08:00 PST

egypt is great!!!!!

hi from Dahab, Egypt (http://www.dahab-info.com/)So far, I wandered around the downtown area and the world-famous Egyptian Museum and saw many mummies, sarcophagi, king tuts golden mask, all the famou...
Posted by Emirii on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 05:17:00 PST

pulled an all-nighter, 1st in a while

so hostessed last night from 20.30 h since i left here late and stayed till near 01 h since M. came and we chatted and ate as usual super yummy chinese food and danced a bit. then taxi home at 01 h a...
Posted by Emirii on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:22:00 PST

summersonic 2007...i can't wait!!!!

um yeah hi, just saw the tenative lineup and nearly shit myself! i am soooo excited and can't wait for my 3rd annual summersonic music festival!!! august isn't here soo enough!!!http://www.summersoni...
Posted by Emirii on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:44:00 PST

Happy white day! (no, i'm not racist, its an actual holiday)

so yeah, today was one of the funniest, saddest, oddest, days this year to date. Firstly, today is White Day here in Japan. It's like Valentines Day except on V-Day here only boys get presents so co...
Posted by Emirii on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:37:00 PST

hahahahahha, i haven't laughed my ass off so much in a long time, really.

okay i was bored and gettign my daily news from the ever so reliable source of "the onion" and came upon this article which made me nearly piss myself laughing! see, now when everyone thinks that i a...
Posted by Emirii on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:12:00 PST