HMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m i like alot of things haha. Snowboardign, music, biking, pimpin;) oooooh ya and anythign else that other ppl liek to do
The dude that lives accross my street and never coems out of his house AND anyone else who is willign to talk!
MUSIC: -Hardcore -Classic rock -punk -Rock -other worldly music such as Latin music and sutff liek that -music that jsut makes u feel good
ZOOLANDER YES IT RULEZ, then theres ummmm mortal combat:O:O any action movies wiht shwatzenegger or like chinese action movies GNING POAWWWWWW and jsut cool movies funny ones slapstick comedy man!!!
H TO THE P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone that can succeed and have fun and be a good person durign all of that.